
What can I do to get over my stage fright?

by Guest33262  |  earlier

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Me and my friend were making up a dance to a song. We practice a lot and feel like we should show our school on stage. We really have stage fright and we have no idea on what to do about it. Can you please help me?




  1. It's especially hard to perform in front of your peers.  But, you just have to tell yourself that you've worked too hard to give up because of stage fright.  Stage fright is the only thing standing between you and what you want - to dance on stage.  Tell yourself that you are both worth it, and that in the scheme of things, it doesn't really matter!  Try to turn that nervous energy into excitement and focus!  Good luck!

  2. Here's what you do,  puts your eyes on the back of the wall (what ever wall is behind the audience) don't look anywhere else (they'll think your looking at them but your not) break a leg

  3. umm. you can try and look at somewhere else other than the audience.. like.. look at their shoulders instead of their eyes and focus on that.. so it would seem like you are looking at them but you are not. or you can imagine that they are something funny.. like they are all fishes or something.. whatever that put you at ease.. hope this helps. it works on television :D

  4. i love to be on stage, but at the same time, i get really nervous. It's best to just jump in the ring and have fun!! you'll gain confidence from that experience, which will make it easier next time!!

  5. Get out of the box, me being an inspiring actress, it's hard because I'm scared sometimes too, but you have to put yourself in a different perspective or have an alto ego and pretend to be a fearless different person while your on stage, trust me it works!!

  6. Breathe! lol dont think about what you are doing. Just pretend you are practicing at home. whenever i do preformance i do that and it works!

  7. Just believe in urself! There's nuthin 2 b afraid of. . .I'm sure even the best performers get stage fright ^^

  8. See if you can get access to the stage you'd be using before you  actually do the show. That'll give you a sort of taste of what it'll be like, plus its good practice.

    Then try it with some family members or friends in the audience so that you get used to people looking at you.

    And last, see if you can use the lights available to you to your advantage. If lights are pointed at you correctly onstage, you shouldn't be able to see the audience much anyways.

    Break a leg!

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