
What can I do to get rid of possible candida overgrowth?

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I just read about candida (yeast) overgrowth in the digestive system and I think I might be suffering from it. I suffer from chronic fatigue, I am super moody, and also have a lot of muscle aches. My question is, what is the first step to take care of this? I cannot go to the doctor because I have no insurance, so I would like to take care of this on my own. What should I do first? What diet should I be on? I plan on taking probiotics once I have conquered the overgrowth, but what should I take first? What was your experience with it? Thanks!




  1. you want to eat alot of yogurt because it has acidophilous, a natural bacteria that helps the intestines. stay away from antibiotics, they lower the immune system and in the long run, make it worse.

  2. "Candida overgrowth" is a quack diagnosis...there is no such thing.

    Mostly "diagnosed" by Naturopaths, but some other Alties use it as well.  It's a nice grab bag one size fits all garbage can kind of diagnosis since they claim all kinds of vague symptoms.

    Now, you can get Candidal vaginal infections, and candidal skin infections.  They are relatively common, and more annoying than serious.  They are easily treated.  You can also get systemic fungal infections...they are rare, but very serious, and potentially fatal.

    Since there is no such thing as "candida overgrowth" you don't have to worry about treating it.  There is no harm in taking probiotics, and it is probably useful if you get frequent vaginal yeast infections....though if you do, you might want to find out why from a real doctor.

  3. I believe i have candida too, and have similar symptoms to you, here are some tips and advice that might be of use to you, it is what i have learnt for several months now from naturopathic doctors and nutritionists, as well as from studying this for myself.


    Diet - First and foremost, diet is important. The anti-candida diet involves avoiding:

    Avoid Sugar - Easier said that done, it is very difficult to give up sugar and foods contain it. This was a struggle for me to give up sugar, but from my experience I can tell you that it is wise to replace your refined sugar with a safe alternative called Xylitol; Xylitol is the opposite of sugar, in the sense that it promotes health, prevents disease by alkalising the body, and has a known prebiotic and anti-candida properties, proven by scientific studies. Xylitol looks like refined sugar, tastes like it, and is used in the same proportions, is more expensive, so buy it in bulk of ebay auctions or other website, make sure it is pharmaceutical grade. Also it would be wise to supplement with chromium drops, 1-3drops a day in a glass of fresh water will control sugar cravings. I did not know this when i started the candida diet, if i did it would of been alot easier.

    Avoid Cheeses, Mushrooms and other yeast related products -these aggrevate the problem, and feed the candida. Also most people with candida or intestinal dysbiosis suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome, whereby the dimorphic mutated pathogenic candida turn into a fungal form, and produce long extrusions called rhizoids, like a plant grows its roots in the soil, the candida rhizoids penetrate your epithelial cells of the intestine, and drill holes. This opens the doors to candida to enter the blood stream circulate in your blood, this is known as systemic candidiasis. Which is believed by alt. medicine practioners to cause psychological problems, like anxiety, depression, irritabiltiy, hyperactivity, memory and concentration problems, brain fog, headaches, muscle aches, hives/rashes, ect.

    Avoid White Bread - Purchase wholemeal brown bread, this is better than refined white bread. But you can do one better than that, if you can afford it, purchase sprouted grain bread, which is more nutritious and easier to digest, you might be able to get this from a supermarket, if not {which is likely} then consult your local healthfood store or buy online.

    Fruit - The original anti-candida diet says to aviod fruit, since it also contain sugar. I do not agree with this, as i believe the benefits of fruit outweigh not having it. Eat fruit in moderation, actually the anti--candida diet does permit to eat neutral fruits like Apples, Pears, and Banana, ones to aviod are the citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, mango ect.

    Having said all of that, you will only have to follow this diet for 6months to rid candida, however you will notice an improvement within weeks of following the diet.


    Probiotics - Probiotics are necessary if you have Candida Related Complex {CRC}. However, this can be very expensive, so choose wisely. I recommend taking Fivelac by GHT and another product called Oxygen Elements Plus by GHT also. Take 3-4 sachets of Fivelac probiotic per day, and build up to 21 - 30 drops of Oxygen Elements Plus per day {you dilute this in a glass of water}. Note- the oxygen elements plus will give a strong Herxheimer reaction, like a flu, i had a break out of acne. So build up slowly to 21drops per day, to aviod this and learn from my mistake.

    Another useful probiotic is called S. Boulardii, a good brand is DiaSafe, it is available on ebay. S. Boulardii is a yeast organism, but a good one that eats candida for breakfast :). As in homeopaty 'Like cures like'. S. Boulardii is known to flush out candida, E. coli, and other pathogenic bad guys in your intestine out.

    Probiotics can be expensive, especially for long term uses as required for candida, and for maintenance afterwards; I have also heard that people taking probiotics for candida have got rid of it, only to have it return after they stop the probiotics, which is no good. I reccomend, to start fermenting milk, make Kefir, which is a yoghurt type drink, rich in probiotics, you make it at home, you will need a probitoic culture grain to start of with, look this up, people on yahoo groups will send the grain to you free of charge, just pay for shipping. Kefir in it self is very effect against candida, and is very cheap to make, and easy. Kefir produces more alive and active good bacteria, than any supplement or yoghurt can provide. It is teeming with good bacteria, with unparellel quality, value for money, and health benefits. You could just take Kefir instead of the probiotic supplements, if this does not work for you, then buy the probiotics.

    Kefir is very sour, i suggest you make a special anti-candida Smoothie, made by Jerry Brunetti, orginally used for cancer.

    You will need a blender, a pint of kefir, raspberries or blueberries, 1 tablespoon of cocconut oil, 1 tablespoon of omega 3. Take this in the morning for breakfast.


    Leaky Gut Syndrome

    How to fix those drilled holes in your intestine, created by candida:

    -Take 4500mg, 4.5g, of Glutamine amino acid supplement, added to warm water, or organic milk{if your not allergic to it}

    -Take 4 tablespoons of {Extra}Virgin Cocconut Oil. This is an antifungal, and kills candida, but also repairs the gut and the holes. Double effect. And it will not make you fat, it is a good oil. I suggest you cook with it, due to it benefits. Cooking with vegetable oils like Sunflower oil, is not good for health, these oils are prone to oxidation, and rancidity, and they are carcinogenic.



    Vitamin C  -1-2g per day, Magnesium Ascorbate form, this will increase immunity, since you can't have oranges that are rich in vitamin C, supplementation will be wise.

    Oil of Oregano - The best herbal antifungal, said to be as effective as Nystatin {a conventational antifungal used for candida}. But do this before you start taking probiotics, as i have heard that oil of oregano will kill the probiotic good bacteria also and S. Boulardii. Olive Leaf Extract & Garlic is also a good antifungal.

    Coenzyme Q10 100mg per day  - This will give you more energy and get rid of your fatigue, also consider a multivitamin and multimineral supplement.


    Alaklising the body -This might be the most important step

    -Eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables {spinach ect.}, this will alkalise your body, candida cannot thrive in an alkali body, only in an acidic unhealthy condition.

    -Drink Alkali water, if you cannot afford a Regency Elite Water Filter unit from, then i reccomend you add half 1/2 a teaspoon of Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate to every litre of water you drink. By the way, it is a myth that you have to drink 8 glasses of water per day, drink 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces of water per day minimum.

    - The Oxygen Elements Plus and Xylitol mentioned above also have an alkalising effect on the body. So its a win win situation for your health

    - Use a tongue scrapper if you have a white/yellow coating on your tongue, oral candidaisis.

    Read 'The pH Miracle' by Dr. Young for more information, this alkalising the body stuff is based on the theory of pleomorphism, not accepted by conventional science.

    Also consider Rife Technology, for more info,, GB4000 and PERL are good rie machines. This in it self has eliminated candida, according to circumstancial evidence {testimonies}.

    The information here will rid you of candida. If you need further help on your journey to health, i reccomend seeing a Nutritionist educated in the area of orthomolecular medicine, and/or a Naturopathic Doctor.

    Hope this helps, thanks

  4. First, know that the symptoms of candida are very similar to other conditions such as low thyroid, etc.  Even though you don't have insurance I would encourage you to at least get a basic check up and blood test with your Dr. just in case its something that needs medical attention.  Or at least so you have an idea of what you need to be doing and are not just stumbling around in the dark.

    Second,  I suggest you get the book, "The Candida Directory and Cookbook" by Helen Gustafson, Maureen O'Shea.  Or at least get it from the library.  There is a TON of info in here that is easy to understand and there is a check list of symptoms that you could be suffering from.  This you will use to track how you are progressing.  

    Third, know that Candida is a tenacious little booger to get rid of.  For many people it can take months or years to become fully well again.  Its not like you take a round of pills and in a few weeks your back to yourself.  I hope that is almost the case with you, but for me it was one of the hardest things I've had to do.  Take heart though, the road to health is long and hard but worth it!!

    A basic candida diet is one that eliminates all "white" things from the diet.  This includes rice, pasta, potatoes, sugar, etc.  (Thats why I love the book because it gives you a detailed list of do's and don't's.  It also lists stages to go through.. but anyway... ) You also want to eliminate fruit since it is mostly sugar just until you've turned the tide in your favor.  Also no dairy as it is mucous forming and has sugar (lactose) in it.  So you're mostly living off of tons of veggies (limit or exclude carrots, sweet potatoes and corn however in addition to some others,) some whole grains and fresh meat.  

    There are lots of good supplements you can take to help also.  You mentioned using a probiotic AFTER this has cleared up, but I would say to start using it NOW!!  You need to repopulate yourself with good guys since you could be overrun with bad.

    I know that sounds like a lot, and I keep going back to the book, but this candida thing is really near and dear to my heart.  I've suffered with it for over 4 years and I'm just now getting back to a state of health.  Email if you have questions.  Or go to a good health food store and ask for help.  They can direct you in some good places.

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