
What can I do to get smarter?

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I just got my report 2 weeks ago, and I got an overall grade of a ' C+ ' . I want to get a higher grade now. I want to be smarter and I would really like some tips and suggestions.

Please help

& Thanks




  1. Come on - be realistic!  There's no instant solution that will make you smarter.  You'll just have to work hard, like everyone else!  The effort you put into studying effectively is evidence of self-belief

    There are "active" and "passive" ways of learning that I was only introduced to after I left school.  

    "Passive" or rote-learning methods involve listening and reading a lot - without any real need for analysis of the points.

    Then there are more "active" ways to make information on a page come to life and spark new ways of looking at the subject.  

    At an individual level, this might involve multi-sensory studying.  (5 senses - hearing; seeing; feeling; smelling and tasting) Where a study topic is analysed in order to make it more memorable to you personally (also called thinking :p ).

    When studying individually or in a group (more fun)

    - create lists and use mnemonics to memorize them

    - write study notes (create your own cheat sheets)

    - create graphics - charts; memory maps; diagrams, etc

    - Over-learning (study something so often that you can never forget it)

    - Put what you have just learned into practice - test yourselves

    Self-testing can take a number of forms:

    - Cover and test method

    - Read, repeat, review

    - Re-create study notes from memory

    Boredom isn't a feeling - it's the lasting effect of bad learning.

  2. 1.Read

    2. Do your  homework

    3. Ask for homework help

    4. get a tutor

    5. Pay attention in class

    6. Study

    7. Participate in class.

    good luck:)

  3. Everyone has the potential to be smart.  It just depends on how you're working.

    Look at Asian students.  Their parents nag at them 24 hours a day for "not studying enough", yell at them for being stupider than everyone else, and praise other parent's children for being smart.  They also have a form of conditional love, meaning "if you get an A, I will love you. If you get a B, I will disown you." Now that's one way of getting "smarter," asking your parents to become psychotic.  

    But a better way is to just pay more attention in class.  I find that if I listen in class, my grades become much better.  Don't read just because you have to look at the words, read to understand it.  Immerse yourself in what you're doing.  You have to enjoy what you're learning.  This is what worked best for me.  Even if I hated a subject, I would pretend I was, like, i don't know, part of a team that had to use this subject to save the world.  Like if it was chemistry, it would be like, I'd have to learn how to use this formula to prevent the earth from blowing up.  Something like that :)

  4. You need to have three things buddy.

    1.Belive in you

    2.Belive in you

    3.Belive in you

    I m sure u ll b the smartest person....

  5. Its not howsmart the person is, it's how hard they work.

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