
What can I do to get up in the morning?

by  |  earlier

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No matter what time I head off to bed, I always have a hard time getting up in the morning. I have to set two alarm clocks and my cell phone and I still fall right back to sleep in the morning. I end up running extremely late for whatever it is that morning. I hate not being able to get up, and I have tried everything; loud alarm clocks to going to bed at 7 or 8. Please help me!




  1. when you get up to the alarm clock of go take a shower taht helped me it should help you to.

  2. Same problem.  I set 3 alarm clocks all over the house, and cell phone.  The only thing that works for me is drinking a glass and a half of water before i go to bed.  The pain wakes me up!  Adjust water to your bladder capacity - not too much to wake you up in the middle of the night, but enough to make the morning pressure hurt...

  3. If you are sleeping that long and still can't get up in the morning, you should check with your doctor to see if you should get a sleep study done. You cold have sleep apnea, which is a medical condition that causes you to stop breathing several times during the night. It puts your body through a lot of stress, which doesn't give you a good night's sleep, making you exhausted. If you rule out a medical condition, I don't know what to tell you, short of having someone physically remove you from your bed!  Good luck

  4. Yeah it's happened to every body.

    1. First day we were born (1st day - 2 weeks) 95 % of the time used for sleeping.

    2. Then after reduced become 90, 80 .....of the time used for sleeping,

    It's naturally happened, and you need to practice to get up early, you can't ask to every one arround of you, the answer only your willingness to leave the bed,

    Even loudly alarm near by your ears, You can imagine if cold water poured to your head (if you are not willing to wake up, you will angry to the one who poured the water to your head),

    So invain if you never push your self to wake up early.

    Many ways to push your self to get up early...


    1. Plan to make extremely important activities (sport, playing music, jogging, reading, ), before you do that you must think (make a note to remind you if you in a bad mood) that your activities in the morning is very important for your life

    2. Plan to care your children by checking or just seeing your babby.

    Once again make sure (make a note to remind you if you in a bad mood) .

    Hopefully it can help you..

  5. i have the same problem. i placed two alarms across (in two different areas) my room so i'll have to get up to turn it off. once i'm outta bed, i'm usually good to go.

  6. perhaps you are in need of a multivitamin. Or you drink caffeine to much  (to late) or consume to much sugar. there are a lot of factors that contribute to sleep patterns. Sometimes eating patterns(what time you eat dinner)  effect sleep as well and activity levels.

    stress and age can also play a role in this as well  

  7. I know this sounds lame..

    but if you have a roommate, sibling, parent whatever see if they can help you out by throwing cold water in your face. that helps me get up and awake a lot.  

  8. Drink a glass of water before you go to bed.  Not so much that you will wake up in the middle of the night, but enough that you will need to go  as soon as you get up in the morning.  Put your alarm clocks on the other side of the room.  When you get up to shut them off head straight into the shower.  You might also want to have a sleep study done.  If you have a sleep disorder, you do not get the proper rest no matter what time you go to bed.  Therefore it is hard to get up and you are sleepy instead of refreshed when you get up.

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