
What can I do to go into labour naturaly??

by Guest67093  |  earlier

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Hi, this is my 3rd baby. On my other 2 I had to be induced, but on this one I am desperate for a home birth and in order for me to achieve this I cant be induced. Has anyone got any advice on what I can do to try and encourage my body to do its job and go into labour before I will need to be induced!! I am only 10 weeks gone no, but I am planning ahead or maybe there is something I can start doing now???

Please help!!! xx.




  1. Go for a long old walk!! I'm convinced that's what kicked mine off.

    I tried the lot! Pineapple (in small doses, my friend ate a whole one and went into labour just after and had the most horrific dioreah when delivering..WARNING)

    Raspberry Leaf Tea doesnt induce but my uterus contracted back down so quickly, i drunk it from 30 weeks and think it might have helped with that as well as being tasty!

    Evening Primrose Oil, insert 2 capsules inside yourself before bed. A little messy upon waking in the morning but worth a go. Contains prostaglandin.

    Spicy food, though again same as the pineapple so you might wanna steer clear!

    s*x....defo a good one, though dont knacker yourself out!

    Oral s*x too, for him. The s***n is meant to contain the thing that kicks it off, mght not work but youll have fun trying.

    Flip Your matress and walk on cobbled floor - OLD WIVES TALE!

    Get a good tummy massage!

    Reflexology and acupuncture.

    Accupressure points.....i massaged mine the night before i went into labour.

    Hope to help x

  2. Absolutely bugger all.....

    Its just got to happen "naturally" im afraid... None of the old wives tales that are meant to help induction do NOT work.. baby will come when its ready..FACT!!!!

  3. There is a spot on your ankle and on your back that if massaged can send you into labor.  Speak to a prenatal masseuse and they will be able to give you more specific details.  

  4. Just wait!

  5. Find a midwife and discuss this with her, she'll know all about home births and natural labor, along with the do's and don'ts.

    I think if you want to have your baby naturally, you'll just have to let nature take its course.  

  6. I ate lots of fresh pineapple and spicy food. Also smelt Clary sage oil (from any health shop), not to nice but i had my lil boy a week early.


    Check out this website....there are a ton of ideas to read through as far as what you can do to get labor going on your own.  I plan on trying quite a few myself as I have had 3 inductions so far and it's really getting old!  Good Luck with your plans...I really hope they work out for you.

  8. heres a website i found  hope it helps

  9. suposadly s*x works and spicy foods but yer its not actually proven that they work my mum sayed when she had me and my brothers she went for a long long walk and it always worked (for her) with me the day i was born she walked for 4 hours and just got home before her waters broke  

  10. Lots of walking, the 'bumpy' movement will help baby move down. Lots of s*x - the hormones will help ripen the cervix. Raspberry leaf tea is rumoured to help ripen the cervix, but it is also a uterine tonic which helps you have a faster birth. The other ones are all desgined to set labour off by irritating your bowels - such as castor oil, spicy foods etc, but i wouldn't recommend as they can cross the placenta and cause baby to poo, which can lead to infection. Also, it makes for a very uncomfortable birth. Well, more than the usual!

  11. Unfortunately, nothing works. I tried EVERYTHING. I had two strong contractions spread out over one day, had s*x that night, and then went into real labor about 15 minutes later. But it had already sort of started on its own with the two contractions earlier. So... I think s*x can speed it along, but you've got to start on your own. Sorry! You never know though, this one could come early!

  12. Lots of s*x!!! works for some. sperm is meant to have prostogladins (SP?) that encourage the cervix to ripen.

    you can also take evening primrose oil orally and as a suppository and you can also drink raspberry leaf tea from about 34 weeks.

    other wise i'd speak to you ob/gyn they may have some more tips

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