
What can I do to help my 10 year old son from being afraid to be in his room at night?

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His bedroom is on the lowest level of our house. My oldest son used to be on that same level until he moved out. My daughter is on the next level up, and he'd rather sleep in her room than go to his own room. And, it's not only at night - he just doesn't like going down stairs. There is plenty of light and lots of windows. The playroom is down there, and he will only go into the playroom if someone else is going in there with him. I know it is probably a phase, but school is about to start back up, and he needs to start sleeping in his own room instead of sharing a room with his sister - and she wants her own space back as well. ANY SUGGESTIONS???




  1. Maybe a tv or nightlight of some sort. Maybe he even just needs to relax.

  2. sit in there with him until he starts to fall asleep

  3. Try getting a TV in his room. It should be comforting to hear noise and see people. If not, get a "Sounds" tape. I think he'll feel more comfortable if there's some noise and action going on in the background instead of silent.

      Also, try keeping his door open and the hall light on. It worked for my niece, who had the same problem. He should eventually grow out of it...did he watch a scary movie or accidentally see something he shouldn't have? That could have encouraged it. :] Hope I helped!

  4. Well, since he is most afraid at night, you may want to get a night light and/or flashlight for him so he can illuminate the room when he is scared.  That way, he will see there is nothing there to scare him.  Also, you might want to buy him a 2-way walkie-talkie, so he can communicate with you or someone who he feels can protect him if need be.  Once he learns that there's really nothing to be scared of, he may not need the light/flashlight or walkie-talkie.

  5. I've got kids, so I totally understand.  Sometimes mine won't go upstairs unless somebody else is up there too.  Don't get him hooked on tv at night in order to fall asleep.  Try some kind of gentle light, that is a little more "big boyish" like a lava light.  Also, maybe it's time to "update" his room, w/new posters, let him help w/whatever he thinks is cool.  Mine sleeps w/a photo of all of us under her pillow...nobody has to know but you.  Let him fall asleep w/the door open, then you can gently close once he' s asleep.  After you put him to bed, maybe you could let him know that you have some "things to do" on that level for a while, then you will check on him again after he's asleep, before you head back up stairs.  Be patient and try different things.  good luck.

  6. ask him wat is bothering him... after i watch a scary movie im afriad for like a month and i freak out at night... i can stay in there but i leave the light on >.< now i cant even sleep wit the light on .... i got over it overtime xD but i dont think that is the same with his situation.. is he like scared of ghosts or something? i went through that phase T.T

    try asking him whats wrong

  7. You can tell him to act like a man and grow a pair of balls.  Sounds like a mama's boy to me.

  8. If your daughter is older ask her if she will take the other room his room seems seperated from the house which can be scary just ask him why he is scared and try to resolve it

  9. He may have saw something or feel something but can't explain it. paranormal. It's a possibility. Why else would he be scared of that room? And it's so far from everybody. He may have seen a scary movie and still freaked by it. I don't blame him! Can he and the sister switch rooms? a Radio or tv sounds nice. But dang it's so far away. Basements are scary. (sorry lol)

  10. try having his sister sleep in his room until he gets used to it. If she doesnt want to spend the whole night, maybe she could just stay in there until she falls asleep.

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