My sons father and I have been separated for almost 1 yr now. It was a very bitter and hurtful breakup. His father has now moved on and has a new girlfriend, whom is very good to my son. My son likes her alot and that makes me very happy. For a few months I dated secretly without letting my son see the men i dated, I didn't know how he would react to someone new in my life. Though recently I have finally brought a very special man in my life who i have being seeing now for 6 months around my son and introduced him as my friend. I want him to ease his way into our life. But my son is very rebellious. He hates when we sit together, when he touches my hand, when i mention his name. Why doesn't he act like this towards his fathers' girlfriend? Is this normal? I love my son very much and always explain to him that his daddy and I love him very much. For the record, ever since our breakup, his father and I respect each other to the fullest. We never bad mouth each other or argue in front of our son. I know it is very hard for a child to cope with change, but how long will he behave like this?