
What can I do to help my cat gain weight?

by  |  earlier

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We have a family cat and he is 18 years old, so he has been losing weight. I was wondering if anyone knows of a brand of cat food that helps older cats gain weight? Thanks.




  1. because of her age I don't know that she will "gain" much weight, there could be something medically wrong with her, I would have your vet check her over, and if you get a clean bill of health, then try switching her to kitten food, give her canned and dry as well, the kitten food has more protein and calories than adult food

  2. i had this problem with my last cat who lived to 20

    i supplemented her diet with fatty meats like pork, beef and duck (very fatty)

    also i got inot the habit of giving her snacks as often as i could b/c she wouldnt eat large amounts at once.

    also vets usally have a weight gain food.

    once my cat got to 18 she got really difficult about food so i just fed her what ever she wanted just to keep her eating she practically lived on warm chicke for a year because she got so fussy but once they are so old you just do what you can to make them happy , like fussy old ladies =]

  3. Often times as people age as well they tend to eat less and lose weight. Go to your vet and ask if the cat is ok- to rule out an underlying condition. He is 18 years old...

  4. You feed her allot of food some cats just don't gain weight from getting fed either.

  5. You can buy special "senior" cat food.  There are probably many brands that make it, personally I would go for Hills Science Plan which you should be able to buy it from your vets or a large pet store (eg pets at home).

    Maybe take him to the vet and get him checked out just to be on the safe side though.

  6. If an 18 year old cat starts losing weight suddenly, it is not because of the food. Most likely causes are elsewhere like hyperthyroid for example. Your cat can live well past 20 so don't just sit there. Please go to the vets for a bloodtest to see what is going on

    All cats young old should be eating the same thing and that thing is NOT dry food

  7. Maybe it would be worth getting your cat checked over by a vet - not only would they be able to rule out any potential causes of the weight loss (an 18 year old cat is open to all sorts of reasons for weight loss) but they would also be able to advise on diet etc as well.  Good luck!

  8. Your cat needs to see your vet for a "senior exam and check up"  These exams are important for the older cat and can help him be happier and healthier.

    Good Luck!

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