
What can I do to help my neighbor in distress?

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My neighbor has 5 children. Her husband got fired from his job about 2 years ago. He worked in a another town so he wasn't home all the time the mother was left with most of the responsibilities most of the time. Now that the father is home and unemployed he terrorizes his family. He speakes to his children and wife in a very profane manner all of the time.He is always yelling at the youngest child. Everyone in the neighborhood has heard him yelling and cursing his children at one time or another.It is very distressing that someone would treat their children that way. Parents are supposed to protect,love,and cherish their children. He told one of his children that he was going to leave his wife when he found a job. That is not something you tell your children. Now the child doesn't know which way to go. It is a very sad situation. The girls are watching their mother cater to and walk behind an abuser. How can i help this family? One of the children told me that "he hits my mommy". What is to become of these poor children and their mother? What if he does something drastic ? HELP




  1. report this man. Go talk to the woman and see if the abusive manner is still happening. if it does then tell them to report it

  2. Please call your local Child Protection Agency and report your concerns.  You can do this anonymously.  Stastics show that it probably will get worse without intervention.  My Experience:

    My husband and I were visiting his sister and her husband and 4 kids.  The youngest, aged 2,  was crying on the floor.  Her father put his hand over her mouth so she couldn't breathe.  He removed it when she stopped crying!  My husband and I were shocked.  The family acted like this was "normal".  We later discussed it with his sister and told her how concerned we were.  We watched and listened during our visit to get a better understanding of the problems in the family. The father was drinking and using drugs.  He was verbally abusing his family and we also suspected physical abuse.  He was severely abused as a child and didn't learn good parenting skills.

    After we returned home, I called my local CPS and they connected me to my sister-in-laws local CPS.  I reported all of my concerns.  I did not remain anonymous.  They removed him from the home and he agreed to participate in their counseling program.  After several months, he completed his counseling and was allowed to return to the home.

    My sister-in-law called us in the beginning, upset, but months later, she called and thanked us profusely.  She said it greatly improved the home situation and they were all still participating in family counseling.

    Years later, they finally divorced.  She had gotten enough help and information during counseling to finally end the dysfunctioning relationship.

  3. I would call child services maybe that would open the moms eyes up on leaving him its better to live on welfare than put up with that

  4. File a restraining order if he's abusive to both the mother and the children. And, she should have her family help babysit her children and watch after them while she gets a job. And maybe even you can help take after her children just during the day. She definitely does need a dependable job though. And she needs to divorce that jerk so fast it'll make his head spin. Give him a dose of his own medicine. As her neighbor and that includes your family and others surrounding you should make sure that this woman is safe from this a*****e.

  5. Get the mother the number to a domestic violence shelter where she can get help to get out.

  6. You being a neighbor can only call the police if you hear screaming. Report a Noise disturbance.

    I understand that you want to help your neighbor but the women who is married to this creep has to get the "balls to leave him". She has rights! If her life is as bad as you say that it is she needs to be the one to pack her things and get her kids out of the household. This women sounds scared to do this. If this man is hitting her and her kids she needs to go to the police station and get a restraining oder from him. Only she can do this. It doesn't seem like she wants/or will do this. She needs to act NOW! Tell her to get out of the house with the children and get a protective order from her husband. If it was so bad she would have been out if there long ago.

    By him telling the children nasty things ,well that is life. She has to be the one to end this c**p with this abuser. NOT YOU!

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