
What can I do to help my son with his encopresis?

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My son is 6 yrs old. He was diagnosed with enco 1 1/2 years ago. He has been taking mineral oil miralax and exlax to clear the blockage and stay "cleaned out". I have been taking him to therapy once a week and still no improvements. He has gone through daycare after after day care. Now I have his teacher and the school nurse pushing for answers that can't give. I am so frustrated. He is starting to get teased & I just don't know what to do to help him.




  1. Begin by educating yourself the very best you can so that you CAN give answers.

  2. I am a school nurse and this is fairly common in school aged kids. It sounds like you are doing everything that you can by taking him to the doctor and to therapy. His teacher and school nurse should not be pushing you for information. All they need to know is that he was diagnosed and you are doing the best you can to treat it. His teacher needs to allow him frequent bathroom breaks too. I have found that it is just one of those things that kids grow out of eventually. I had a first grader at my school last year that was having accidents at least 2 to 3 times per week. I have not seen him once this year for it!

  3. My son also had this...other then what you are doing I do not know what else to suggest. about third grade things got better with only a few accidents that year and now he has no problems at all.

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