
What can I do to help people?

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I cannot help monetarily because I just don't have the money. I wanted to help with the food pantry at my church, but it operates when I am supposed to be working. I don't have the money or food to donate to it, so I thought I would put in service, but I can't because of the time conflict.

I really want to help out people in need. But I am sick a lot. Like today, I got up to go to church, and I took my shower and got dressed, but by the time I had done that, I was too sick to finish getting ready so I didn't end up going. I miss a lot of work due to illness. I'm just not able to commit to a rigid schedule of any kind.

Any suggestions?




  1. There is one thing that is free, seldom given and greatly needed by everyone that you see and meet in the course of a day. And that is Love. Give each person that you meet your full attention when speaking to them, listen to them, show them your love in the twinkle in your eyes meant just for them, by your gentle words and kind actions. And those who need our love the most are the ones who are the most unlovable. When they treat you with disrespect and anger, love them anyway.

  2. See if you can help at hospitals or Homes (are they still called homes?) where your knowledge of being sick will benefit family members and the sick themselves. Also you could use your skills at the library.

    It may not feel active - but all the praying you do is helping.

    Active help must come when your up to it first.

    I just remembered 'meals on wheels' delivering food to invalids and shut ins.

    The leadership of any good service will have times you can help - and understand your situation.

  3. You can help the community by keeping it clean....walk the block and pick up trash and recyclables.....recycle what you can and dispose of the rest.

  4. Sewa - selfless service, can be done at anytime in many ways. One can always be a service to others. Mother Teresa used to say that one way we can all be of service to each other is just to offer a smile to someone. It might sound silly, but sometimes your smile may be the one thing that bring some happiness to someone else. Or you can go over to your neighbors and just visit with them. Many people in our society feel isolated and alone. Simply taking the time to socialize with someone can be a service to humanity. Look at Amma, all she does is give people a hug and that is a service. Of course she eventually turned her simply act of hugging into being to help in other ways, but she began by simply giving people a hug. Too many times I talk with people who talk about how they really really want to do something, they want to be involved, give to charity, etc, but they just don't have the time to make such a commitment. Service IS NOT supposed to be something you schedule in when you have time for it. God IS NOT supposed to be something that you schedule into your life. Every moment should be a moment where your mind is thinking of God. Every moment there is the opportunity to provide service of some kind, big or small, for someone else. Chances are you do a lot of selfless things for people, but you don't give yourself credit for them because you are under the false notion that it somehow doesn't matter to God. All service matters to God, big or small. I was reading an article about how the gopis kept Krishna in their mind. When they cooked they renamed all the food items and spices to names of Krishna, they renamed pots and pans to names of Krishna. Thus when they wanted a spice they'd ask to be handed the "Govinda" or whenever they needed a bowl or pot they would ask to be handed a "Vasudeva", etc. Merely remembering God, thinking about God, throughout our day is enough. When you look outside and see the day you can think "God made this day". When you are out shopping you can think "God gives me the means to buy this." And so on. God isn't like some boss at your job who expects you to show up on a schedule, follow the schedule, etc. The service you provide for God can be both scheduled and spontaneous. We too many times criticize ourselves for lacking the scheduled service and yet miss all the spontaneous service we do provide throughout our day and week. Whether it is helping a family member do dishes or just talking to the person standing in line with you at the grocery store or just smiling at someone while you are walking along the sidewalk....all of these are acts of service, too.

    "I see God in every human being. When I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord himself. " -Mother Teresa

    "Poverty is the worse form of violence." -Mahatma Gandhi

    "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." -Mother Teresa

    "When you smile at someone, see yourself smiling at God. Treat everyone with the same respect that you treat God and see God in everyone." -Sri Amritanandamayi (Amma)

  5. Yes be a hospital visitor.  Ring your local hospital and ask how you go about it.  You will have to have a police check I expect.  But that's no problem.  Most hospitals have volunteer projects.

    Don't make your self ill though, because your no good to anyone if you're poorly.  

    Old people in homes often have no visitors.  And how lovely it would be to sit and read a paper to someone or a mills and boon.  You could really contribute your time.  Giving is about giving not money.  I think your Idea is much better and hands on.

  6. hey friend kindly take care of ur self

    so that u can help more

    best help is self help

    so take really care of ur health wen u r fit u can help more

    a hole in a ship will not be helpful for the persons in the ship to sail

    so kindly fix the hole

    i pray to god for u

  7. I don't help people in the way that you are talking about, but I do help in another. I love to give advice and help people through hard times. You can be sick as a dog and still be able to do this. All you need is a phone/aim/email/etc. I know this is a strange suggestion but its what i do.

  8. You can help people right here online, by being an empathetic listener to people in emotional distress. I have a feeling you would be good at that.

  9. You could send cards or encouraging emails to those who are sick or discouraged.  

    Being a good listener is profoundly helpful, and something that few people do anymore.

    And I agree with the person above me.  Taking good care of yourself will enable you to help in other ways.  It's a good example to others, and as you have more energy, you'll be able to do more.

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