
What can I do to help put a stop to factory farms?

by  |  earlier

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I already stopped eating meat and dairy products and I try to get the people around me to do the same.

But is there something else I can do that would really hurt these factory farms and really help bring an end to this unimaginably sick and cruel treatment of animals?




  1. You can start by not supporting them monetarily and getting the word out like you are doing now.

    Then you have to lobby to have bills or laws passed that will not allow so much cruelty.  Beyond that you can join ALF, but I can't because I really can't get a criminal record.

  2. Wait you want to stop the making and selling of meat? Is that what you are saying? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    If I'm correct, you have no right to make it so others cannot enjoy meat. Nobody is stopping the growth of veggies.

  3. Keep trying ... spread the message, bring the awareness on vegetarianism and veganism, join a vegetarian society to promote vegetarianism and reach out to more ...

    Introduce EARTHLINGS (the video you listed) - a award winning movie/documentary on factory farming/slaughter etc, to your friends, encourage them to watch it online, free of charge.

    VCDs’ combination of sound and image make a powerful impact. Maybe people won’t become vegetarians overnight after watching the VCD (although it does happen!), but they will have taken an important step. In convincing someone about vege tarianism, it has to be VISUAL! …nothing beats a VCD. Help others step forward to vegetarianism.

    Another way, convince the factory farmers to earn their living by no hurting animals, let them know there are many other business that they can do or you could help them to switch over to other lines.

  4. I think the best thing you can do is try to educate others and politely encourage them to become vegetarian / vegan.

    Each person who goes vegetarian prevents the deaths of about 100 animals per year, so influencing others has a significant impact. The number of animals that are bred and slaughtered depends directly on the consumer demand for meat.

    You can get involved in the Adopt a College veg awareness program:

    Thank you for wanting to help!

  5. Well, stop buying the products. Since you're vegan, you can't really support ethical companies by buying organic.

    Other than that, the best you can do is write to people. You can try to request that your local grocery stores carry more organic, or less factory-farmed. You can do the same at your school. You can try to do it on a governmental level. Join organizations that have similar goals. They'll probably letter-writing campaigns and fund-raisers.

    The destructive "solutions" that some extremists come up with are unethical in and of themselves. So don't go engage in any destruction of property.

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