
What can I do to help put a stop to the cruelty in the fur industry?

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What can I do to help put a stop to the cruelty in the fur industry?




  1. Dont buy any products containing fur. Convince EVERYONE you know to do the same. And really, that is all you can do. Voice your opinion to friends and family (without PUSHING your opinion. People react negatively to forceful opinions being shoved down their throats).

    If everyone stopped buying fur products, there could be no fur industry. If you know people that wear mink, or fox, or chinchilla fur, or whatever kind of fur, then show them information why that is not good. Show them pictures of the animals!

    Ask them HOW they can stand to kill these animals JUST to wear? It's horrible.

    If THAT doesn't convince them, show them stuff like this (warning:graphic)

    (yes, that is an open wound on the leg ALL THE WAY to the bone)

    There is NOTHING pretty about fur. Imitation fur coats look like the real thing, and almost feel like the real thing. Tell people, how can they stand KILLING millions of animals, just for their fur?! There is no other use. These animals aren't eaten. They are skinned and tossed aside. Tell people that, and hopefully change their minds.

    But like I said, do NOT force ANYTHING on anyone! When people are approached harshly, they tend to retaliate, even if it is a good opinion and deserves to be heard! If people do not want to listen, back away calmly, and possibly approach them in a NICE manner later in the future

    EDIT: BTW, do NOT join PETA! Peta is a HORRIBLE industry, and 90% of animal lovers despise peta! Peta calls for a TOTAL annialation of captive animals. That means all your cats and dogs would have to be released in to the wild, because "they would be happier". Over half of dogs breeds can not physically hunt or fend for themselves, and would die of hunger

  2. Raise your own animals.  ;)

    I may be feeling a little punchy but seriously...animals that are raised by the small farmer or homesteader or the farmer with a degree from a university will not be cruel to their animals.  It is not logical to abuse your animals if you want to grow a good product.  Your animals must be in prime condtition to give good fur and so  they must be well taken care of.

    When is comes time for killing the animal, again, it is not logical that one would be cruel to an animal they raised from babies.  They are not sickos.  If you insinuated to a small farmer that they were cruel to the animal they raised from birth, when putting them down, they'd probably deck you and lay you flat!  What an insane assumption that would be.

    I think that if you don't like the idea of wearing fur, then don't buy it.  Educate yourself from appropriate sources of information (e.i. not PETA or the like) so you can better understand what the real problems of the industry are so you can better focus your efforts.

    I don't understand how someone can be against fur but use leather, Tylanol or other meds, eat Jell-O, play string instuments, or eat at McDonalds.  I just don't get it.

    I'm all for fur.  I don't wear it but if people want to wear it, great.  If I did, I'm not going to buy fur raised in another country other than the U.S., though.

    I'd hate to see an animal life so  disregaurded by not honoring it by using it comepletely.  But then again, I'm part Native North American/Native Central American.  I don't understand why people don't get that honoring the animal's life thing and are so pios about it.

  3. Join PETA if you haven't already, and obviously don't buy fur. As an individual you can have very little affect on the industry, try writing to stores that stock fur products outlining your concerns, there is a possibility they will listen.

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