
What can I do to help????

by  |  earlier

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I have Interstital cystitis, im only 16 and its ruining my life. All i do is cry and I'm in so much pain. The doctors arn't helping me at all and I don't know what else to do. I hate my life and just want to die. I shouldnt feel like this but IC is ruining everything, including s*x, which is impossible to even try again as it is so so painful due to the IC. Anyone out there with the same problem please give me some ideas that can help, im sick of living like this, and i know there's no cure so i'm assuming i'll be like this forever, and this is something i dont want to live with.




  1. I'm sorry hun i haven't experienced this but thought this might help because its so interesting, at least i understand more about it now, it has everything you need to know and maybe something you don't, take care and hope you are feeling better soon x.

  2. I used to get this. It was awful. They just kept telling me they couldn't find anything wrong so I just wanted the pain to go away and the only painkiller that worked was codydramol. It was as if somebody flicked a switch and the pain just went and I could have my life again. They said to take two every four hours but I only took two in the morning and sometimes at night and I didn't feel ill.

    They gave me loads of other drugs before and none of them worked.

    I also stopped using harsh things to wash with.

    The cystitis just went away by itself after about a year of using the pain killers.

    Just keep going back to the doctors and they will have to do something. The only time they gave me the really strong painkillers is when I said I couldn't take it anymore and why wouldn't they just give me a strong painkiller or I would kill myself.

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