
What can I do to help stop my bird's bleeding wound?

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My bird caught its foot and leg in its cage and we already called a pet hospital thats taking her in tomorow. For now we need to help stop the bleeding. Even though we took instructions from a vet that said to apply pressure to the wound, she is stil bleeding after 4 hrs. Please help, what can we do to stop her bleeding as fast as possible? Thank you very very much.




  1. Press baking flour on the wound--enough baking flour will stop the bleeding. My vet recommended this to me after my cockatiel sprained her toe and bled all over the cage, and my friend also uses it when he clips his cats' claws, in case he clips them too short accidentally.

  2. I'd say 4 hours is way to long to bleed. Is it a lot? What if the bird loose too much blood? Can you go to "emergency" pet hospital? Try to put a bandage. Maybe if you keep the area dry it will stop bleeding?

    Wow, I hope your bird will get better.

  3. Don't use baking soda. You should use flour, conrnstarch, or Quick Stop (if you have any) to the wound. Gently apply pressure. If they bleeding doesn't stop immediately, then repeat again. If it still doesn't stop, I would call the vet back. Birds can die or fall very ill due to blood loss, they are small, sensitive little animals and cannot afford to lose too much. Also, try to keep him in a quiet, stress free place, the less stress the better. If he can't get on his perches make sure you place the food and water where he can get to it. I hope he is okay. DO NOT use Neosporin because the bird can ingest it.

  4. I had a problem few months back where my cockatiels toe was bitten by another cockatiel. It bled for hours and it would not stop. I put her foot under a tap with cold water running hoping it would stop and I've tried flour and corn starch, but this made her bleed more. My last option was to use Neosporin. This cream is used for cuts and burns. It works wonders. I apply a tiny amount of Polysporin on a clean napkin and hold it with pressure about 5-10 minutes to the wound. You can get this cream from a drug store for few dollars.

  5. corn flour will work as it works as an anit clogging agent to some degree. do NOT use talcum powder as some recommend as this will burn like crazy and put your poor little bird in more pain. hope he gets better soon. good luck

  6. bandage it with a small cloth

  7. Gwen is right.  Baking soda will stop the bleeding.  Pet stores also sell some powder that will stop birds (and other animals) from bleeding.  I bought some when my bird's blood feather broke.  To late for that now, since the stores are closed.  The cheaper way is to use baking soda.

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