
What can I do to help with Darfur as a 15 year old?

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I don't want to travel there (duh)!




  1. Why don't you start a club at your school? I belong to a Youth Darfur group through Amnesty International. Their website has a whole section about starting either a Youth Darfur club or an Amnesty Club at your school. Most schools have a rule that if a student wants to start a club and can find a teacher to host it, then you can put up posters, ads in the school paper, etc, to advertise it. As a group, you can put on fundraisers and send the money to AI specifically for Darfur projects. You can also do field trips and talk at school assemblies to inform other students of the situation.

    Good luck! It's a really excellent cause to work for. I'm also going to a Youth Darfur conference next week. Oh, and check out STAND - Students Taking Action Now Darfur. You may find a club in your area, or at least ideas of what to do with your club (letter writing campaigns, etc etc).

  2. Save Darfur is an alliance of over 100 faith-based, humanitarian and human rights organizations.

    Mia Farrow provides a page of links to the various organizations working in and for Sudan:

    At 15, both because of your age and your lack of skills, it's not appropriate for you to go to Sudan. But these web sites will give you an idea of what's going on to help Darfur and how you can help. Be sure to point to Darfur-related profiles via your own MySpace or FaceBook or other social networking profiles, to generate more interest among your own contacts.


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