
What can I do to improve my appearance? ?

by  |  earlier

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I just wanted to ask a general question about what I could do to improve my physical appearance. I know there are some obvious things but I want to look better so I can feel better.

Here is a pic of me:

Any advice?




  1. lose 50 pounds :]

  2. Smile


  4. I can barely see you buddy!

  5. quit being lame.

  6. I can probably recommend a new face routine to help with the acne.

    1. When you are in the shower (I generally shower at night because it's easier for me) wash your face with Equate brand Medicated Apricot Scrub (It is the Wal-Mart equivalent to the St. Ives product). Rinse your face with water directly from the shower. Do not use a washcloth, and avoid touching your face except to apply the scrub, and to make sure that it is completely rinsed. Use a separate, clean, towel to pat your face dry. (Sometimes you should wash with warm water and then use cold after you are done with rinsing to close the pores).

    2. Use the Clean and Clear astringent for your face (I use the "red" one for oily skin). Use multiple clean cotton balls to keep from spreading dirt and oil around your face (even if you just washed it).

    3. When your face is dry, apply Clean and Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment. Focus more on your problem areas, but make sure you apply all-over.

    4. When you are in a hurry, such as in the mornings before school, simply wash your face with a salicylic acid medicated facial wipe. Apply astringent and spot treatment.

    5. At nights a couple times a week after washing your face put on a thick mask of aloe vera gel. It will moisturize and help reduce inflammation and redness (much like it does with sunburn). It will cause you skin to appear to be peeling later on, which is why you do it a night. Use the Apricot Scrub in the morning to clean your face.

    This works for me. Do not use any products with Benzoyl Peroxide, as they simply do not work.

  7. depends on the style your trying to achieve.  Or the type of woman you want to attract.  Your a nice looking kid, however the type of girl I would see you with would be a grunge girl of some kind verses say a cheer leader type.  

  8. kay, hon, here is muh advice:

    -Proactive or Clearasil. buy them at a Wizers or something.

    -New haircut:   OR

    -Smile! i'm sure yours is great. and don't be afraid to...

    -get a new pose! the Peace For The Picture thing is definitley getting old. try looking directly in the camera (without those sunglasses, they are cute but not neccessary for you) or maybe a few inches away.

    good luck, stud!

  9. yeah thats not a very good picture, you cant even see your eyes and you look like someone i know to! but i cant honestly pick out things from the picture that you posted

    EDIT: oh ok then...sry :)

  10. Cut your hair, and lose some weight.

  11. You look like the MCR singer in that picture.

  12. i dont think your fat or have bad acne, but i think you're perfect the way you are. :]

  13. dont take retarded pictures, dont wear sunglasses inside comb your hair so it doesnt look greasy and get a little tan , a tan can make a HUGE difference.

  14. get a good hair cut, put on some clearisil, and lose weight

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