
What can I do to improve my look?

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I'm sick of the same old look. What would you suggest I do?

(I'm the blonde on the left)




  1. You're a beautiful girl. Try wearing less eye makeup and use Chapstick or lip moisturizer  

  2. SKIN

    - You look a bit orange. Try wearing sunscreen/stop tanning if you do to look more natural.


    - You could grow out your eyebrows a bit. They are a bit thin and thicker ones would look more natural.

    - Maybe dye your hair a light chestnut brown. You would look really good and fun with brown hair.


    - Try white eyeshadow or eyeliner in the inside of your eyes plus an eye highlighter/face highlighter. It adds a bit of shine to your face which adds depth. Your face is kind of one tone.

  3. Your very pretty :)

    I have green-ish eyes too, and the things I use are blues, purples, tans... cool colors, basically.  Try a taupe or chocolate brown instead of black for day to day... for night, purple is my #1 choice.. my eyes really stand out.

    Rimmel has some really great quads of purple and blue.... they're called Smoky Purple and Smokey Blue [go figure!!!!] and another one I use is the Cafe Au Lair from Rimmel.... they're like $3 each, Walmart, Target, etc... and they stay put too, which I like :)  And there's an eyeliner that Rimmel has that is a plumish purple.. its called Chianti and i LOVE it.....

    good luck and have fun playing around w/ makeup

    By the way, there's a user on Youtube who does AMAZING stuff, her user name is ilurvemakeup jsut type that in and her acct. will come up.  She's amazing and I've used a ton of her tips... try it out sometime


  5. definately dye your hair. it's something you can easily do, easily fix. i suggest either a brown or black and you'll feel totally different. other than that, you're very pretty and dont change it! lol and try not to tan as much. you dont want to be burnt, you want to be radiant. lol

  6. i think ur a very pretty women but if u wanna change your look then why dont you change your hair color...might be a big change but hey i did it...if not that then try a diffrent color of make up that makes your face look a bit more natural..i hope this helped

  7. be more natural (e.g. use less makeup). Also, don''t tan too much. Rely on softer and more natural beauty.

  8. You're really pretty, all I suggest is you dye your hair a darker color. If you don't like dark hair try a light brown with maybe highlights or if you want to go all out try black. One more thing, use less make-up. Goodluck! :-)

  9. brown hair

    lighter makeup

    and grow out your eyebrows

    but that's just what i think

    but apart from that you are really pretty

  10. Hi there! I'm a in the beaty buisiness. I would darken your hair a little mabe go for a nice dark blond colour. Try to keep in the cooler colour range!! And less eye liner would open up your eyes alot. Try light pinks or purple( lilac) colour for eye shadow and not so light on the lip gloss, it make your feature fade.  If your afraid of going dark with your hair, tyr keeping a few blond highlights in the front top sections of your head!! Try these trick and I'm sur your feel much better about your looks!! Good luck!

  11. your perfect.:)

  12. Just an idea for a make-up switch (that's totally in for fall) flip the focus from heavy eye make-up to darker lips.  Try a plum or berry or-if you think your style could pull it off- a bright red.  Just make sure you don't go heavy on eye and lip make-up at the same time.  It looks like you don't need any make-up tips except maybe go a little lighter on the foundation, but in the picture your smokey eyes are killer.  

  13. grow out the eyebrows.

    lay of the tanning

    and dye your hair a dark brown.

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