
What can I do to improve my photography? Are my photos any good?

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Here are a few samples...I like they way they turned out, but I know they could look better. I have a Canon Rebel XT (I am still very new to SLR camera's) and I know I can make them look phenomenal. Should I maybe take a photography class?




  1. I like your photos especially the 3rd one cause it doesnt show someones face ( my opinion). But if you took classes maybe you'd be better, that is if you want to get better (for your career or something). Good Luck!

  2. 1. Instead of white-light flash, I would have liked to see the photo have a warmer lighting to give it a tint of yellow/gold.  I try to avoid flash at all times, unless I'm bouncing the light or looking for a special effect.

    2. This shot, while a cute portrait, is a bit underexposed. It might still be salvaged, however, in Photoshop with a slight levels adjustment.

    3. I really like this one. If you had the chance to reshoot it, the only advice I would offer is to include the tips of the fingers in the framing.

    4. The background is a deal breaker in this one. Either adjust the depth-of-field so that the background is thrown out of focus (which might look very nice in this case, actually), or declutter the background.

    Overall, pretty good!  If you enjoy photographer, why not take a class? You already have the SLR.

  3. They're good the thrid one's my favorite. Take a class to enhanca ur skills.

  4. Hi Seriously

    the best pic is the last one. The first pic, you cut part of the head unless it is intentional which is no good

    The black and whites lack contrast.

    So, we are left with the last one which has good cropping . Even if you remove some of the side image, the cropping will still be good.

    The idea of taking a picture is to try and convey what you were thinking and how you were feeling at that time. They make the best takes.

    The viewer has to grasp that and make him or her say 'WOW".

    On your last pic, that is a good natural pic and you conveyed the message well. It shows innoncence and then some.....

    Its not the amount of pics you take but rather the creative part of photography that is interesting. If you have ides, the lens is the extensionof your eye. Shoot and dont take too much time. Spur of the moment photography cannot never be reproduced by anyone.

  5. Your third picture is the best.

  6. Your black and white looks like you used the black and white mode on your camera ... you may have noticed that it is very flat ... while proper lighting can help, the way the pros shoot black and white digital images is to shoot them in colour and then later using Photoshop, desaturate the colour to -100 and then using the levels control set the black threshold, white threshold and make fine adjustments in the mid-tones.

  7. The third one is very good.  I would lift the levels a bit to brighten it, but I like that one.

    The first and last one are over-flashed.  Did you get an accessory flash unit with your camera?  If not, try to make that your next purchase.  Learning to use a dedicated flash will take your flash images to a new level and away from the  point and snap look.   You can then begin to learn how to bounce and diffuse your strobe for more natural looking portraits.

    The little kid is under-exposed.  You could brighten that one as well, but  the lighting is not pleasant anyway.  No matter how much you Photoshop it, he is still going to have raccoon eyes and the door frame bisecting his head.

    Taking a class would be a great idea.  You can also begin to learn the craft on your own.   Pick up a book on beginning photography.  Look at good images and study the lighting and composition. and both have good tutorials and galleries.  Keep practicing and learning, and enjoy your new camera!

  8. yes your photos r you could try tools on the computer

  9. There's too much empty space in the first one. Next time move your camera up a few inches that way your face is the focus....not the whatever that is.....

    Also, don't forget about the rule of thirds for the 1st one. Off-center is *usually* better. Other than that, it's a nice picture. The lighting compliments your face well.

    2 - LOL I really like this one, but then again I'm partial to kid shots. Her facial expression is priceless. Technically though, it's lacking. The whole shot is too dark and I think a different angle would have worked better. Crop a little off the right side and that will correct the composition.

    3- I like this one A LOT. Very creative. Only problem....I REALLY wanted to see the rest of her hand. Fingernails may not seem like anything interesting, but when the hand is the focus of your picture, we want to see the whole hand. Maybe boost up the contrast on this one too. Very cool though, I like it!

    4 -'s a pretty picture of you and again, the lighting compliments your face but it's just a snapshot. I find the background very distracting and the angle is weird......and don't forget your rule of thirds again. This one could be saved with a little cropping.

    Overall, nice job. The 3rd one is fantastic! You have a good eye.

  10. I think you have a solid foundation.   The only suggestion would be the Rule of Thrids but that is entirely a personal opinion.

    I love your pics

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