
What can I do to increase my kids appetite?

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what can I do to increase my kids appetite? I have twin boys they are 8 years old and they are soo skinny. They do not like to each fruits and veggies. I try to offer them as much as I can. I do not give them soda (Maybe once or 2 a month) but of course they get cookies and snacks. They weigh about 45 pounds or so. They have a younger brother (6yrs) and he weighs at least 15 pounds more then them. Even though they are skinny they are healthy rarely getting colds or sick. But I would love to see them get a little more meat on their bones. As a kid I was extremely skinny (I wish I still had that issue now). Any ideas or books anyone can recommend?




  1. Sounds like its just genetic that they will be skinny. If the pediatrician thinks they are ok, don't worry. But if you have not had them checked out, you should. Check thyroid.

    My daughter is thin, it just goes in spurts. She seems to gain alot of height at times, and it takes awhile for her to catch up in weight.

  2. Do they snack a lot before mealtime? I really have to watch what my kids ( also twin 8yr. old boys) eat before dinner especially. But if your guys are snacking too much "junk" before meals, than they won't get the nutrient rich foods they need. I used to have to stop my kids around 5 so at 6 they'd be hungry enough to eat all of their dinner!

    But as long as your doctor says they are alright, just try to relax and enjoy their health and energy. We're all built differently.

  3. It's possible that they just take after you, which is why they are very thin as you were at their age.   Since they are in good health, I don't think you have much to worry about, unless their pediatrician is concerned.

  4. As long as they are eating healthy and balanced meals there really isn't a whole lot you can do. You might try a supplement like pediasure or something like that. Also, "sneaking" in veggies is helpful (the cookbook deceptively delicious has some great ideas) such as adding pureed peas or green beans to spaghetti sauce.

  5. Ok.  My son is 7 he weighs more than your twins by about 10 pds.  He is supper skinny also, He is all muscle and that is probably why he weighs a little more.  He is super active and its hard to get him to keep still, He is not ADD or ADHD though, just active.  He is a picky eater also, not to many fruits and veggies but he will eat some.  I always give him a vitamin b/c of that.  I'm not a fanatic about junk food and will let him eat sweets but I have noticed that when he eats more junk he wants to eat less real food.  I also limit the soda b/c it makes him even more hyper and it's hard to get a small one to eat while they have so much energy.  I have noticed that he eats more when he goes through a growth spurt.  As far as books or anything I don't have any to recommend.  I believe that they eat when they are hungry and that as long as you are offering that is about all you can do.  You can't make them eat anymore than I can make myself exercise.  LOL.  So the only thing I can suggest is maybe cutting back on the sweets,  let them get hungry before feeding them.  They tend to eat better if there are no distractions like the t.v going , or any other stimulus.   Try to get their input before making supper.  If you know their fav. food is _____ then make that more often.  I'm not one that believes in cooking something different for each member of the family but I do adjust what I'm cooking to try to tempt the tummy.

  6. If their physician says they are healthy, the best thing you can do is accept them for who they are.  There is no difference between pushing a thin child to gain weight or pushing a heavier child to lose weight.  This has to do with you and your expectations, not your kids.

  7. My daughter is almost 11 and doesnt even weigh 50 pounds yet.  She eats healthy just nothing sticks to her.  As hard as it is if you make a big deal out of it then you are taking a chance of giving them a complex and possibly a future eating disorder.  If they are active kids then they are going to be skinnier.  Try giving them milkshakes made with pediasure with their meals but dont say it is to gain weight instead say it is a treat.  Also sugars can actually burn off faster for some some give more substance for snacks like a pb&j sandwich.  Also remember you were skinny as a child so it is genetics and chances are they to will grow out of it as well.

  8. My 7-year-old boy weighs 40 pounds, and the doctor has tested him for all kinds of things and he came out clear ... he's just destined to be small.  Because we're sure there are no medical issues, I don't worry about it at all.  

    First, get the doctor's opinion.  There are some rare but scary medical conditions that can cause slow weight gain, and you may want to rule them out.  If they're really healthy, you really don't need to worry about it.  But it is important if kids don't eat much that what they do eat is as healthy as possible.  I'd tone down the cookies and snacks and ramp up the healthy foods so that bite for bite they're getting more nutrition.  If the doctor wants them getting more calories, you can also choose foods that pack more calories per bite.  Try drizzling olive oil on foods, for example, or serving nut butters, whole milk products (smoothies, if you want to smuggle in the fruits), etc.  Keep serving fruits and veggies even if they don't like them; if they keep being exposed, eventually they will come to like them.  Make sure they're getting plenty of exercise so that they're strong even if they're thin.  And then don't sweat it.  We're all supposed to be different sizes!

  9. Since it's both of them and they are generally healthy, I wouldn't worry too much.  I was and my children are very thin while growing up.  We have several gardens on our property.  The kids that help in them most are the ones that enjoy eating from them most.  They run for the peas to eat them fresh off the vines.  I'm not kidding! My 14 yr. old electric guitar playin' son is the first one out there. He was not raised with gardens but has come to truly appreciate them.  My 7 yr. old even has a garden space of her own.  When they get to help decide what to plant, they feel that they are a part of it.  

    If gardening is not an option, then perhaps they can help plan and cook a meal.  I typically start my kids at age 8 on the real cooking. Not just baking cookies.  Your kids are at a very safe age to start helping make homemade pizza for example.  You can add whole wheat flour in the crust for added benefits. Nowadays, with the help of multifunctional breadmakers,  these tasks require far less time than they used to.  

    "Taste of Home" magazine has a section on "kids in the kitchen", with kid friendly recipes.  I'm certain you can find magazines and books galore at Barnes & Nobles to get them started.  We have several and I can't say I prefer one over the other.  You will want to scan the pages before you purchase because some of the kids books feature junk food type meals or just plain treats.  Be prepared for meal preparation to take twice as long, with many times the mess, but clean up is also part of cooking and you will enjoy the company. I know I do! Once you get your kids in the kitchen, you will probably have help on a constant basis.

  10. Stop giving them cookies and snack foods.  If they need a snack give them fruits or vegetables.

  11. good day,

    The boys have a Pedi Dr right? What does the Dr say about their weight?

    Do you have the space for a garden?? that's a great way to introduce kids to food...In your area, does anyone offer a Cooking class for the family's? I say bring the kids in the kitchen..Teach them about foods. Also activities- swimming. roller skating... do something to work up a appetite, them build a menu together...All you can ask for is health and happy, find a balance with in your self first... Don't project your past on the boys...Food is a gift, from the gods, and should be celebrated, think colours, sunshine, fun and use only nature bounty's. Be of happy mind and body.........

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