
What can I do to keep fleas off of my daughter?

by  |  earlier

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I have spent a small fortune this year on flea products, $500 to be exact:o Everything from exterminators, to seven dust, household sprays, all natural remedies I've seen on the internet.. nothing works! I have two small dogs and used 3 times the amount of frontline recommended and it was only effective for about 10 days. We live in Florida, and sand fleas seem to be an issue around here; as I found out asking EVERYONE I see what to do about these pesky little blood suckers. My main concern is my daughter, they seem to love feasting on her. I honestly can say it looks like she has the chickenpox's from the amount of bites she has!!! She hasn't been able to play outside in months due to the infestation and its really starting to take a toll on her:( We have even discussed moving, but as I said earlier its a widespread problem in the area. I am concerned for her health, there has to be/or will be negative effect to all of the bites shes receiving. Is there anything that you have used and has been EFFECTIVE in treating fleas? Please don't answer if you do not know what you are talking about!!! I see this as a SERIOUS PROBLEM and hope you will answer accordingly. Thank you in advance for all of your help!!!




  1. get your pets a flea injection or i suppose  you'll have to move! big change but if your so worried about your daughter (i would be aswell) their the only options i can think of!

    sorry i could'nt be of anymore use! But i hope these helped a bit!!!!


  2. Have you tried a personal flea repellent? You spray it on the skin. And are you sure it's fleas, not bed bugs or other household parasties? Flea killing products don't kill some bugs that lurk in beds etc. so it's possible it's not fleas.

    Apart from that, if you've tried everything else, there's nothing else to do.

    Flea bites shouldn't do any long term harm, they're just annoying. Unlike ticks, they don't carry diseases like Lyme disease, and the only long term problem is scarring due to itching.

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