
What can I do to keep from wanting what I don't have... until i have it... which makes me not want it anymore?

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What can I do to keep from wanting what I don't have... until i have it... which makes me not want it anymore?




  1. This is when You Pass what You don't want anymore to Someone who may need what You Have.

  2. Abstain. You'll have to take time and train yourself not to be that way any more if you want to conquer it. You don't really want what you're after, so why pursue it? Think of the reasons why it seems so attractive at the time, and then rmember how you feel afterwards. It may mean a big struggle for a long time or you may lose interest relatively quickly if you just ignore it. Don't give in and you might start to like it. There can be a lot of satisfaction in having strong will power.

  3. Totus Unus

  4. Thats lust. Just dont want those things anymore, nothing can change that. Its how and why you "want it". You think you do but love the thrill of thinking about it and not having it but pursuing it.

  5. i guess that is life and that is who we are,

    its just natural, why you wanna change that?

    i want food when im hungry and when im full i dont want no more,

    simple as that

  6. I think you should not just pay attention to it.

  7. think about what you want and why you want it

    and then get it

  8. I say try to become more humble. It's not good for you to be that way, sounds like you can develop a pretty spoiled rotten attitude. Instead of getting everything you want, try to give something once in a while to a charity, or to someone less fortunate than you. Think of children who are left with just skin on their bones, or imagine losing all you have to devastating floods. Not only your belongings but your loved ones. There are plenty of people you can help. Good Luck!

  9. You can't really.

    It's just human nature.

    I suppose the key to it is realising your 'wants' are in fact lust and will not last.

  10. You remind me of my ex.

    That can actually be compared to sexually, all about the chase. Sorry, no good answer for you :/

  11. You have already made the first step by recognising that you do this.  Rather than want and feel frustrated.  Read up on the internet immerse yourself in the subject and then move on to a different want.

  12. Want what you do have.

  13. want something you can have and when you get it lock it in a closet or cage so it doesnt get away

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