
What can I do to keep my dogs pen not so muddy?

by  |  earlier

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I have layed down hay, but it just blows away or gets pushed into the mud.

I have two kennels that can not be moved 12'x12'.

And two large dogs.

I am not sxure what to do. I think rocks would hurt their feet.

Everytime I go in the kennel I sink in the mud and one dog will not come out of his dog house if it's muddy.




  1. You could also try crushed rock, like, not gravel, the big stuff, but the itty bitty stuff, they have it in the dog park here.

  2. I have the runs in my kennel cemented, they are all covered runs and when dogs do potty on it i use hose and spray it off

  3. 1)  Get a few bags of concrete, mix them up, & pour a "floor" for each of your kennels.

    2)  Get some boards or window plastic & create a border around the bottom edge all the way around the pens.  This may keep the hay in without it blowing out so much.  You could also put a 2-4 inch layer of pea gravel down under the hay to have another layer over the mud.

  4. Wood chip mulch.

    Natural undyed untreated wood chip mulch.

    Many tree companies give the stuff away for free.

    Stop when you see one working and see if they will dump you a truckload of it.

    Put down a thick layer and add more as needed.

    Safe for dog and the stuff will decompose back to dirt over time.

  5. You have your dogs in kennel that is constantly filled with mud?? Lovely. Either figure out a way to move that kennel or bulid them a new one that is raised off the floor.

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