
What can I do to keep myself sane on this trip?

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I'm going on an annual family vacation with 30 of my relatives. I know this sounds nice but you gotta know my family to feel my pain. We're literally going to the middle of nowhere, boonie Maine for a week to these little cottages on a lake. We're over an hour from like any civilization and I don't know what I'm going to do to keep myself busy. My grandparents can drive me insane and all my cousins are young and immature. It'll be a nice break from work but I'd almost rather be working. What can I do to keep myself from going crazy? Stuff to pack? Things to do? HELP.




  1. take several small crafting projects - either something you enjoy doing or something you have wanted to try and work on them.

    am sorry but am not sure the cousins are the only ones who are immature here. there is a great deal you can do if you allow yourself to actually enjoy yourself. on the surface your question sounds very very selfish.

    you are very lucky to HAVE living grandparents.

    have you ever actually talked to them or just talked at them and then ignored them in your impatience? Has anyone sat down with them and recorded the family stories they have that will be LOST forever when you lose them?? have YOU considered they might think that you are the problem not them?? HERE is something you can do- take a good camera and a laptop with the program Family Tree Maker and start your family tree.

    Those 'young and immature" cousins may be fascinated and very helpful -- who knows you could actually teach them something, if not family research then whatever hobbie/craft you take with you.

    who knows - if you get rid of the 'better than them' attitude, you might actually have a good time.

  2. Ha ha.  Families are the best.  I love being around my extended family for a day or two, but I understand how stressful it can be for longer than that!

    Here are some of my suggestions:

    1.  Laptop/portable DVD player with headphones & a couple of your favorite DVDs

    2.  ipod

    3.  Books (the cheesier and more enjoyable, the better!)

    4.  Trashy magazines (find out what Brad and Angelina are up to)

    5.  Nailpolish, file, etc. (give yourself a relaxing pedicure)

    6.  Handheld game

    7.  Deck of cards

    8.  Board games

    9.  Journal (to write in and/or vent frustrations)

    10.  Camera (take a walk and photograph some beautiful sights)

    11.  Hiking shoes

    12.  Bathing suit, sunhat, sunscreen, towel, etc.

    13.  Ear plugs and sleeping mask (yay for naps)

    14.  Cell phone (if you'll have reception)

    15.  Bring some things to catch up on for work (at the very least it's an excuse to opt out of family activities and be by yourself and you'll win brownie points from your boss)

    Hope you're bringing a big suitcase!  Have a blast!

  3. Books.

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