
What can I do to keep myself sane while home alone for a week?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16. I've got bipolar disorder and OCD, and I'm currently very manic. I'm home alone for a week, and all of my friends are working or away... my mother and brothers are on holiday ( i couldn't go because of my OCD). I have no money. My internet's been cut off due to my mother not paying (I'm in a library at the minute)...

what can I do to keep myself sane for the week?





  1. "being a manic" you should not be home alone for a week, just my opinion. Invite a friend over. Hang out with the neighbors. Read a book. Just have someone with you.

    Even being 16, you should always know where you can contact someone.  What if you get hurt or something? You never know and it is always good to have someone close by for an emergency.  

  2. Do you like making stuff?

    Origami, cook, play instruments,


  3. get out. Go swimming, or to a park, and do some exercise.  That will not only fill up some of your time, but should help you to sleep.  Also, talk to people....friends, relatives, possibly a social worker if you have one.

    Good luck.  Sorry you've got a BAD mother (I would NEVER have left a 16yr old home alone, never mind one with Bi-polar.  My sons are 27 and 24, and I still help them when they have a problem)

  4. Watch tv or go to sleep/

  5. Keep coming to the library and talk to us, can't guarantee we will keep you sane, but it will give you something to do.

  6. Since ur in a library bring some books home and then go rent a bunch of dvds and video games , stay up real late playin or watchin them that way ul sleep all day makin the week feel like it goes by faster.

  7. You can do a variety of things to keep yourself  busy but stay relaxed at the same time.

    go for a run every morning and evening for 20-30 minutes each. This will help your anxiety and stress and relax you mentally as well as physically. I get bouts of depression and running really helps me.

    get some cookery books from the library and try some recipes (you may not even need to buy a lot of ingredients if your kitchen cupboards have some of the stuff!!)

    cooking is a great way to relax and unwind and also very rewarding.

    you can even search for recipes online when you go to the library.

    listen to some old cassettes or cds / watch some old dvds that you havent watched in a long time - or never can watch it because your brothers or someone else is always watching something else ??

    how about clearing your wardrobe and sorting out your clothes or arranging / organising your chest drawers whilst listening to the radio ??

    is there something you have always wanted to do but never had the time because of school or other things ? like painting or gardening or origami ? why not give it a try now  ?

    all the best - i hope you have a good week.... i wish i had a week off but i am so tied up at work at the mo. Have fun !  

  8. poor you this is very difficult, how about giving yourself a project , i suffer from massive anxiety and during bad times think of something to work on, it could be anything to try and throw your energy into ,for me a painting or making a doll or a quilt, something creative, try and give yourself a schedule like visiting the library, if you keep busy it will be easier, it doesn't have to cost lots i sometimes make sculptures from twigs and nature, try and look at it as a good thing ,like this week i will get this accomplished,how about doing some baking,cookies and things my heart goes out to you i hope you get through it and if you want to email me for a chat please do

  9. Do something you have always wanted to do but never had the time to..set yourself as goal. Learn a foreign language .... to to cook...or programming (you don't need the net to do that) or work out an exercise routine...something that gives a target to reach everyday.

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