
What can I do to make an early exit at a party without being lame?

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I'm going to a friend's party next weekend, and he lives an hour away. I've driven home from his house sleep deprived before, and I don't want to do it again because it's irresponsible and unsafe. Staying overnight isn't an option. And I don't want to be the only idiot leaving at midnight- one o'clock. Okay...idk...maybe I'm officially lame.

Oh yeah, party starts at 8 and people will be there until probably like 6 in the morning.




  1. Stick your finger in your throat at 11:00 and puke on the floor. They will be begging you to leave...

  2. I'd just talk to that friend and say that I have got something to do next morning and I've got to be going now. He/ she will understand you and this won't possibly make you lame. And if it does, you are still not lame, but the people who think you are do.

  3. Just say you have a long drive ahead of you and you have to do something early the next day.  Or you can lie and say you have another party to stop by where you live??

  4. dont feel like you owe an excuse.  you made the drive you were there, and maybe you have things to do in the morning.  a simple thank you for having me, it was nice to see you, hope to see you soon type thing is all you need to do

  5. Look at your cell phone like you've gotten a text, swear loudly, and say, "sorry guys, I've gotta run," then leave.

    You can tell them later, if they ask, that your friend needed a ride somewhere.

  6. Just leave whenever you want to. Chances are most party-goers will be too trashed to notice your departure. If anything just say you have an important doctor's appointment or workday.  

  7. When it's time for you to leave find the host, thank him/her for the party and just say that you have to leave early.  No big deal.

  8. "Gotta go, gotta run!" simple as that. Or have someone call you to bail you out.

  9. If the party starts at 8 and you leave at midnight-one o clock then you have a good 4-5 hours to party! I don't see why you can't leave, you've been there long enough!

    Simply state that you have to leave and go. If they ask why tell them. Have no shame!

    In my opinion there's no such thing as leaving a party "early" and those who stay will probably get stuck on cleanup duty. Furthermore, Staying until the sun comes up [[in my opinion]] is rude [[if you're not helping out and it's not a sleepover type party]].

    I stand by your choice to leave 110%. You are correct in the thought that driving home sleep deprived is irresponsible and unsafe. Hopefully the world may learn a lesson from you if anything!  

  10. You can either leave early or don't attend the party if you feel as though you're an idiot for being safe.

  11. yes, leave early and say you have to meet someone else for a bit

    meet someone in your home

    leave even earlier if you want -say 10

    or tell them you have to get up to jog or do or go somewhere

    hey you have a life and life is busy, busy, busy  

  12. Don't say anything until you've got your stuff and your car keys and everything ready and then just say to him that you've got to go because you've got to be up early in the morning as you're going out somewhere.  

    Make sure you don't get your car hemmed in by all the others or it'll be a right faff trying to get out of there!

  13. I just stand up and say, gotta run, bye, and leave.

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