
What can I do to make cramps go away? ?

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I'm turning 17 at the end of September and I can't take it anymore. Every time I get my period the cramps are so horrible, sometimes I stay home the whole time they're so bad. I heard caffeine could make it worse and I drink alot of Diet Cola. I feel like puking, and just plain horrible. It has always been this bad since I got it. My doctor gave me a prescription for some pills, but they don't work.

What's wrong? And is there something I can do to feel better?




  1. awww this sounds just like me when i was younger, they do ease up when u get older but for the time being there are afew things u can do.

    hot watre bottles work well, hot baths, also go back to teh doctors and tell them the pills they gave u dont work. i got stronger pills which do work.

  2. well did you try using midol it not only stops cramps but also all of the other symptoms and it ttly works 4 me cuz like wen i get dem it hurts like h**l so i use midol and or swim in a pool it stops ur period temporarily.

  3. first of all; diet cola actually has MORE caffiene then regular cola. and try taking ibuprofen it'll help.

    and allwasy alwasy stay on the go. dont stop moving. the more you move the less it hurts.

  4. I was, and still am the same way as well, and about the same age as you too! I usually take an advil, and it helps lessen the pain, so that it's tolerable. I heard the same about caffine, and I used to drink coke often, and once I stoped, it wasn't NEARLY as bad! But I find the pain eventually becomes less and less. Good luck!

  5. HEAT! I have this... Get either a scrumptious boyfriend with warm hands to rub your belly, or if you don't have access to one of those, grab yourself a hot water bottle. Also take some ibuprofen. It works! =)

  6. drink a little vinegar or eat a spoon of mustard do as many dit ups as u can and take something, dont sit around b/c it makes it worse, get active and do those things and trust me you will feel better within a few minutes

  7. my friend had the same thing happen to her, she'd stay home from school because of it, her doctor told her to take an ibuprofen or advil (ibuprofen is more recommended) about a day or two before your period is about to start, the day of, and the day after and keep a hot watter bottle on your abdomen. hope this helps!

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