
What can I do to make him more outgoing?

by  |  earlier

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I just started dating this guy who is 16 and completely inexperienced in relationships. I however, am 17 and pretty experienced. I am just getting over a very tough breakup and my relationship with my ex was very sexual, and i want my new relationship to be like this too,

i just don't know how to make my new bf more outgoing. he is afraid to hold hands with me or hug me. should i just give him time or should i make a move on him myself?




  1. Why, at age 17 are you looking for a sexual relationship?

    Remember that this boy is a different boy than your previous boyfriend. Do not rush him into something he is not ready to do. How would you feel if  you were pressured into a sexual relationship you were not ready for? Let the relationship play out at a natural rate. Let it evolve and see what happens next.

    Don't try to make him something that he is not. Accept him as he is, as you would like him to accept you.

    Don't be int too much of a rush.

    Ask your self if you are looking for affection, or s*x?

    I assume you know the risks of this adult behavior at your age.

  2. You can't, sorry.. he has to want to change himself. If you just started dating, I'd give it time..

  3. thats just his personality, and you can't one relationship be like the other. NO RELATIONSHIP IS THE SAME

  4. could we discuss this problem in my flat?....with a cup of coffee.....just advise is to encourage him to be more outgoing by using the carrot facility...incentive and bonus way...give him something each time he improved himself to be more outgoing otherwise find another soulmate

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