
What can I do to make it stop?

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My sister's 21 years old, I've been home schooled because my doctors have said I'm too emotionally disturbed and that I shouldn't be going to a public school. I've tried talking to Social workers before but they almost ended up putting me in a foster home and I can't leave my mother alone with her because I know she'd try and kill her.




  1. Could you go in your room and lock the door until she gets tired of bothering you. Then when things calm down,talk seriously to your mom about what your sister is doing.  

  2. It isn't clear how old your sister is and what her condition is. However it is not appropriate for her to be touching and l*****g you in such a way to make you uncomfortable.  Your mother, and social workers, should explain to your sister that she should not touch anyone inappropriately.

    I can only think that your mum does not understandd the situation entirely and does not understand, or cannot face, what your sister is doing. I think if you can, you should write down what your sister does and how it makes you feel, and discuss with your mother and the social worker again.  I can't understand what it is like for you, but I know it is very difficult to talk abiout things like this, especially when those we expect to protect us, won't support you.

    You haven't said why you have been home schooled. Is that your choice or your mothers?  I am just wondering if you mother has some issues herself, which reflect on her handling if the situation.

    I hope that everything works out for you, good luck.

  3. pat its me :P add me good luck getting anwsers here and welcome to yahoo answers

  4. My heart goes out to u. This definately can cause some emotional and psychological problems and then some. I'll pray for u. Unfortunately, U may risk displacement if u confide in counseling. The object of course is 2 correct the problem and reunite families. Call a state hosp. and report her. She needs some mental help or if u have a family member u could stay w/and seek mental help for your sister.  I wish I could be of more help-I'll pray 4 u and your family.

  5. First of all talk calmly to your mother: do not get emotional, then it might dawn on her that this is a serious problem for you. If your sis tried stabbing you with a pen it means she is dangerous to her environment. This could mean she should be admitted to a place where she can get professional help. You have rights! You are a minor. You have the right to stay with your mom and your sis should get some serious therapy. She is 21 for Christ sake. She should take her medications. Your mother should not let you suffer just because your sister has a disorder. Your sis has a problem, not you. Tell your mom (preferably when your sis isn't around to hear this) to put the key to your room somewhere where your sister will not find it, maybe keep it on her. Tell your mom the choice is up to her: choose to have one "messed up" kid or let your sis make it two "messed up" kids for her.

    Having said that, maybe you should do some research about her disorder, talk to people who know more about the disorder. There must be medical websites where you could mail your questions to specialized people. Like a clinical psychiatrist who is specialized in bipolar people. They might have practical advice for you on how to deal with this.

    My advice might seem selfish, but you have to protect yourself. You have already suffered enough: you are not even attending a regular school anymore. No one deserves to be idiotically dominated by a mentally unstable selfish person who does not even have the slightest intention to help herself: if she cared she would take her medication, right?!

    Good luck with handling this.

  6. Keep talking to adults until you get the help you need. People are out there to help you.

    Call them on the phone if you have to.

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