
What can I do to make my big tooth come in faster?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and I know it's old, but I just lost my last baby tooth. I look like a r****d. And the tooth before this one that I lost, it took about 6 months to grow back. What can I do to make this last one grow as fast as possible? I can't even smile! Will drinking a lot of milk help? What else?




  1. I was gonna say drinking a lot of milk as a joke, but of course it doesn't actually work, you just have to wait and let it grow out

  2. The only thing milk does is make bones stronger. Your just going to have to wait it out. Hopefully it will grow back fast then the last one. Sorry :[

  3. It will soon grow,don't worry just don't force it out/

  4. Awe i'm sorry ):

    I'm sure you don't look like a r****d.

    Calcium, i heard, makes bones stronger so It may help your tooth grow in faster.  

  5. I'm sorry but your teeth are going to grow at their own pace, and you cant do anything about it. If anyone makes fun of you, just laugh along.

  6. There is no way to make it grow faster = /

  7. Most the time if you went to the dentist like a ew years back they would have pulled the baby teeth so your adult teeth could grow in in a straighter path.But anywho, nothing will make it grow in faster

  8. nothing, sorry. don't worry though, anyone who makes fun of you is a jerk!

  9. you cant do anything.

    just say you got it knocked out in a fight.

    it'll make you look hard core

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