
What can I do to make my coffee less irritating to my stomach??

by  |  earlier

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I've been having problems with that... can you help me?




  1. get your stomach removed

  2. ummmm stop drinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Use honey as a sweetener, and of course if you may afford it.

    All the bust, joy, enzymes, aminoaccids in one shot!!

  4. Dilute it with more water !

  5. try staring at it, then walking away. it works for me

  6. Theres a coffee for sensetive stomachs and it tastes great they use it at all coffee shops i know of. Its called TODDY

  7. Try eating bread or crackers while you drink it.

  8. Milk or cream.

  9. stop drinking it

  10. I think folgers or one of the bigger coffee companies make a coffee blend for smooth sthomaches

  11. it's an acquired taste just keep drinking it and eventually it won't bug you.

    or just don't drink it and save yourself loads of money

  12. I have the same problem. I have to limit my coffee intake,only drink it when i really feel like it...if i can do without it that day,then i will. Also i sometimes not add the cream,or limit how much i put it...and i have totally limited my coffee intake to maximum of 2 cups a day at the most.

  13. It's probably the creamer.  Try using non dairy creamer.

  14. Caffine acts as an laxative for some people which cause stomach pains like weird stomach sensations

    So drink non-caffinated but I don't even see the point for drinking coffee unless it's for energy

  15. yes let someone else drink it and have an energy drink

  16. Eat along with the coffee if you have to have it. It's very acidic, so don't eat lets say...grapefruit with it. Try a piece of toast with it.

  17. milder blend with less grounds...decaf might help too

  18. always have a glass of water before drinking coffee and overall coffee make u dehydrated to drink abt 10 glasses of water per day

  19. Possibly less milk. I find the mixture of coffee and dairy can be irritating sometimes.

    Also, don't drink it on an empty stomach.

  20. Drink less of it and not on an empty stomach.

    Good luck.

  21. ya here's what i do. i make iced coffee. first i make a regular cup of coffee but so it doesn't hurt my stomach cold or hot the key is to add milk or creme to the point where its light brown. for iced coffee just put a bunch of ice in a large glass with like half milk then pour the coffee in and mix. as long as there is plenty of milk or cream you won't have the stomach problems. if you still do then its not just the coffee its heartburn and you need to buy zantac or something of that nature because if you don't heartburn is dangerous to your esophogus and can damage it so that heartburn medicine is good to take when its acting up to save your esophogus in the long run. anyways hope that helps cause i love coffee too!!

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