4 months ago I went to a concert w/ the guy I was seeing then that my parents didnt like and i told them I was staying with a friend. They never knew until a few days ago when my stepdad was cleaning my car out and found the ticket. My mom hates my guts now. ok, not really, but she's mad, and I get that but she wants me to be grounded for a MONTH and its summer and I'm spending it with my dad across the country! He is going along with it! I get that I was wrong but I only get to see my dad in the summer - that's IT- and the whole rest of the year I'm all the way across the country and I have all these friends here from when I was little that I never get to see anymore and this is my only time to. they dont even want to talk with me about this anymore. they just made up there mind and dont care about what this is doing to me AND my friends who were SO excited about spending the summer with me.
What can I do? Please dont just tell me I suck or whatever. GIve me good advice. PLEASE