
What can I do to make my parents change there mind?

by Guest61214  |  earlier

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4 months ago I went to a concert w/ the guy I was seeing then that my parents didnt like and i told them I was staying with a friend. They never knew until a few days ago when my stepdad was cleaning my car out and found the ticket. My mom hates my guts now. ok, not really, but she's mad, and I get that but she wants me to be grounded for a MONTH and its summer and I'm spending it with my dad across the country! He is going along with it! I get that I was wrong but I only get to see my dad in the summer - that's IT- and the whole rest of the year I'm all the way across the country and I have all these friends here from when I was little that I never get to see anymore and this is my only time to. they dont even want to talk with me about this anymore. they just made up there mind and dont care about what this is doing to me AND my friends who were SO excited about spending the summer with me.

What can I do? Please dont just tell me I suck or whatever. GIve me good advice. PLEASE




  1. I agree that it is unreasonable punishment given that you don't see your Dad the rest of the year and the event was 4 months ago, but this will give you more Dad time.   Unfortunately, nothing I can do for you.  Perhaps your friends can visit you at your Dad's house.

  2. It's easy--don't be a liar that goes behind their backs! It's not that difficult!

    You need to suck it up. You broke the rules and lied to them, so it serves you right.

    EDIT: Okay, I did overreact, and I apologize. But you've asked this before and you mentioned numerous boyfriends and the fact that you went out of state with him when your parents specifically told you no.

  3. You betrayed your parent's trust...suck it up and take your medicine.  If you do, they might cut you some slack after a few weeks.

  4. well first of all, dont do it again.  people always find out some way some how.  just prove 2 them it wont happen again and dont do it again..  do things 2 show them ur responsible  (clean around the house, do things without being asked, etc.)  

    then, try 2 bring up the good things about this guy, and y they should let u c him.

    maybe they will budge.

  5. that is a bit harsh.  that is messed up to not let you enjoy your summer with your dad.  maybe you can talk them into punishing you in a different way when you get home.  tell them to ground you for like multiple months when you get home just not punish you from your dad.

  6. almost every teenager has this type of problem so don't let the people telling you that it's your fault get you down. don't suck it up but suck up to your parents (not too much or it might backfire). do every little thing they want you to do and tell them you are doing it. tell them that you want to gain back their trust and do whatever in every possible way and they will let up.

  7. well honestly u were so in the wrong for what you did.  they cant trust you noe bc of the lies.  i think they are right to ground you for this however if this is the only time u get to see your dad i do think that is a little harsh.  why not trying to say mom and ?(whatever u call ur stepdad) i want to talk to you calmly about this please just here me out before you say no.  and explain i see now that i was in the wrong and im sorry it wont happen again i know you dont trust me that i have to gain it back but will u please reconsider me being with my dad this summer after summer is over ill be grounded longer than what u say now if u like whatever it takes just please reconsider letting me go and i promise ill do better and be honest with you from now on  its worth a try what u got to lose by the way if u say this stuff u have to stick by it

  8. ummm you need to go make up wit ur mom...




  9. Well, you took a chance in lying and going somewhere without your mother's permission, and now you are paying the price.  I realize you are disappointed to not be able to have as much time to spend with your friends, but that is part of the punishment you are having to fulfill for your previous dishonesty.  You couldn't be trusted to be where you said you were going to be, and so your "going out" privileges were taken away from you.

    Part of growing up and getting your parents to treat you like a grownup is to ACT like a grownup, and lying to your parents about your whereabouts isn't going to prove your maturity to them.  But you can try to prove that you learned your lesson and have grown a little from this experience by accepting your punishment like a big girl and not complaining about it.

  10. Well, what did you exactly expect. You LIED to your parents. You lost their trust. You "getting it" isn't enough. You should have NEVER had disobeyed your parents. Now you must pay.

    Sorry, going to tell you to Suck it up.  "If you do the crime, you must do the time". Next time maybe, you'll learn to listen to your parents.

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