
What can I do to make myself look...prettier?

by  |  earlier

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Like what should I do w/





btw, i cant dye my hair.




  1. Do something with your dimples.

    Anyway, you look quite pretty.

  2. You have beautiful eyes. theres really nothing you can do besides die your hair....X(  

  3. Kill the hat and get some contacts. The red hair well... you will just have to live with that. otherwise everythings seems a-ok

  4. You're really pretty! Just put on some foundation because your face is a little pink, unless that's only temporary.

    Other than that, you're gorgeous! :)

  5. Do your hair differently? In that picture it looks like you just showered. Now, I'm not sure if you actually wear that hat or if it was just for the picture, but it doesn't look completely great. Your hair color is amazing, I don't think anyone would recommend dying it, even if you could.

  6. you're really pretty as it is (:

    geez, share with the rest us us haha.


    eyes- because you have green eyes a gray or blue eyeliner will really make them pop. i'd say stay away form the black eyeliner though. too harsh for your skin and hair color. a warm brown would compliment you nicely.

    contacts maybe? you have gorgeous eye and no one can see them behind your glasses.

    i have a friend who has almost the identical hair color as you and she wears green eyeshadow which looks really pretty.

    hair: i'd need to see you from straight on and without a hat(which i really like btw.)

    you're a natural beauty, so stick with a natural hair and makeup look.

    ...however, makeup is meant to be fun and when i want something a little different i use this brand:

    good luck (:

  7. I know that you probably won't believe me, but you are extremely pretty and have gorgeous red hair.  The only thing I can think of is maybe take off the glasses and wear contacts instead so people can see your pretty eyes.  Don't change yourself. :)

  8. Too much lower eyeliner. Use contacts. Straighten your hair and remove the cap. Use a lengthening mascara, i recomend maybelines products...actually just for about all make up i recomend their products. Hope you find your right look!!

    Anyone help? Answer mine!!!! :;...

  9. u dont really need to change ur fine as u are. but if u really want to heres a few tips

    make up - wear a bit of foundation not too much on ur face to give yourself an even skin tone. a bit of bronzer on ur cheeks will give u a nice glow - i love mac bronzer and mac studio fix fluid foundation. mascara is an essential and i wear loads! make sure u get a good mascara like lancome CILS pro this volumises and lengthens ur lashes omg its just amazing - and make sure u get every litle lash even in the inner corners to make ur eyes look bigger. eyeshadow isnt really that important i dont really wear it but when i do i wear a nice natural colour like bamboo or all that glitters by MAC. obviously u can get eyshadows anywhere for alot cheaper coz mac make up is expensive. if u wear eyeliner just put a litle bit of pencil on the outer orners of your eyes. then i just finish of with a cute lipstick that lightens my lips so it enhances my eyes. mac lipstick in pretty please and myth are my fave.

    with the hair i LOVE LOVE LOVE huge, bouncy curls. U can do this by using a volumising shampoo and conditioner by s**y hair and when u get out use Dense by s**y hair too. if u own a pair of straighteners these create really good curls, rele tight curls or big lose curls - whichever suits u best. of course u can also do this by velcro rollers if u have time! then wen uve done the whole head flip your hair over then spary it with hairsparay and flip it bak up again and vuola!

    with clothes i wud say always wear clothes that are gona flatter ur figure. if u have skinny long legs skinny jeans are great with a pair of s**y stilettos. if ur legs are short and chunky wear flared jeans with a pair of wedges, make sure ur jeans are long enough to touch the tip of toe and your legs wil look like stilts! in a gd way.

    i think glasses are really fashionable and some celebs even wear them as a fashion accesory. but if ur like others and hate wearin them contacts are a gd alternative and u can even get coloured ones if u fancy a change!

    sorry its long lol! hope this helps

  10. ok first things first:

    ur hair color is shoudlnt dye it. and i cant believe how green ur eyes are...ive never seen eyes that color!!! ok well i think ur makeup looks pretty good but neutral brown colors look rly good with green eyes, and if you mix a sort of grayish with a really dark purple, you will get these smoky eyes that look really awesome. and purple goes with green eyes and of course with red hair. ur hair style is good too, i like it crimped like that. ur face is good too, but if u want you can use coverup to hide zits and stuff, or an acne wash. but dont worry about too much cuz ur really pretty :))))

  11. I think you look pretty already but to make urself even more prettier, I think you could add a little foundation some pink lipgloss and for ur hair, you should try to get a medium haircut with some layers.

    hope that helps!

  12. you are pretty but you can get highlights and low lights use light powder cover up less eye liner on your lower eye lid things because it runs if you put it there put it on the top one and put light mascara on the lower lid. light eye shadow go with natural colors cloths and makeup and with the mascara use brown to look more natural natural is very pretty take that hat off and u would already look even more pretty

  13. tan and thats it you are really pretty maybe you can try curling your hair a lil more so it doesnt look like you just go out of the beach with it but you have really pretty eyes dont wear much makeup the eye liner is ok

  14. i thinkk your wicked pretty

    but for your face

    instead of a black eye liner

    i would do a brown

    it would look wicked good with you skin tone and hair

    also i would do a bronzer or darker blsu hto make your skin a little more colorful : ]

  15. sucks you cant dye your hair.

    -stop wearing hats

    -get a tan

    -cover up your freckles

    Good Luck!

  16. minorrrrrr nose job... just a minor one and dye your hair another color... maybe brown or black or something? anything then red, red heads are unattractive and then you'll look HOT and get rid of the glasses!

  17. You don't really need much make up you are naturally very pretty. If you want to make your skin clearer just use some foundation on your face that siuts your face colour so it looks natural.

  18. I dont know.. You dont look like you need to do anything to be any prettier from that piccy.. You have a lovely natural look..dont do anything lol.!

  19. nothing. you are very beautiful. i can tell that you are one of those very nice and caring people.

  20. Love your hair colour:

    At night take a shower and put moose or gel or hairspray in it. Then do french braids and in the morning it will be beautiful on you!

    Then for makeup: Loose the heavy under-eye eyeliner! Purchase some brown or coal or black eyeliner and apply it, but not under your eyes (on your wetlines would be cute 2!) Then apply a green eyeshadow that matches your skin tones! Some mascara and you will be great!!

  21. There's nothing sexier than confidence. But lip gloss and a little eye shadow helps. Anything more than that is too much.

  22. Be confident.

    Your hair colour is lovely, so are your eyes.

    And you are smiling in the pic not posing so that's a start :)

    I think you are pretty- just believe it and you'll look better.

  23. wow, im not a L*****n, but you are GORGEOUS!!!

    your complexian is so clear, those glasses really suit you, and your hair is a fabulous colour.



  24. You should be confident with the way you looks without things like that.

    But if it really concerns you,  you should try getting a haircut or a trim. Contacts would also brighten your face. Good luck!

  25. Curl your hair, wear foundation, nude lips- mascara and black eyeliner. Light pink blush and wear some nice perfume and a girly/preppy outfit- Or a nice outfit!!

  26. You're so beautiful!!!

    Don't do anything, you look good the way you are already.

    BTW, Your eyes are stunning!

  27. awww...i like the way you look now...if you really want to look better, you can always go to the mall and have them do your make-up so then youll know how to make make up look can also get contacts...but i like your glasses...its seems like no one wears glasses anymore and thats too bad bc alot of them are really whatelse....idk...i like the way u r now...maybe its bc i have a similar stlye to u

  28. You look so pretty... The only things I would say is clear your acne and maybe cut your hair.  I hope I'm not being mean...  I would like your hair wavy and keep the same color. Red is hottt! Also don't wear hats to much you have a cute face. And one more thing don't over do the makeup but the one in the picture was fine.

    Hope this helps


    whatever you do don't get colored contacts. ur eyes are super pretty. ^__^

  29. get a tan or create a fake tan with like tanning lotions etc.

    and get contacts

  30. Do not fret on material and aesthetic things such as your looks. You are the person that you are because of your mind and personality. From what I can see you look pretty enough as it is dont worry:)

  31. Some foundation and lipstick.

    Your hair is GORGEOUS. Everything else is very pretty but some foundation to smooth up the skin would look very nice and some lip stick to make the lips pop.

    Other than that, don't worry, you look great.

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