
What can I do to make our apartment sound proof? Can't even whisper without the neighbors hearing us...?

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What can I do to make our apartment more sound proof? I can't even talk normally in my own apartment.

Even if I talk extremely quietly then can hear us. Its like I have to whisper constantly in my own apartment to maintain privacy. This is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If I shout and if the neighbors can hear, then it makes sense. But I can't talk normally , or even talk as quiet as possible without the neighbors knowing whats going on in our house!!!!!

What can I do about this???




  1. You could try hanging tapestry on the walls.

  2. Soundproofing is any means of reducing the intensity of sound with respect to a specified source and receptor. There are several basic approaches to reducing sound: increasing the distance between source and receiver, using noise barriers to block or absorb the energy of the sound waves, using damping structures such as sound baffles, or using active antinoise sound generators.

    Soundproofing affects sound in two different ways: noise reduction and noise absorption. Noise reduction simply blocks the passage of sound waves through the use of distance and intervening objects in the sound path. Noise absorption operates by transforming the sound wave. Noise absorption involves suppressing echoes, reverberation, resonance and reflection. The damping characteristics of the materials it is made out of are important in noise absorption. The wetness or moisture level in a medium can also reflect sound waves, significantly reducing and distorting the sound traveling through it, making moisture an important factor in soundproofing

      ~ Have a great day

  3. Soundproofing a room without spending big bucks is possible.  You do not need to make sound proofing your walls a big and expensive project.

    Sound proofing your home, recording studio or garage can be a huge chore. You can spend thousands of dollars very easily. Only if you are doing a serious recording studio would you likely need to do more than this for the walls. Now, realize please that your windows are your worst problem. If you soundproof your walls and do not apply soundproof windows to your windows, you will be wasting the money on the walls. If you do not totally understand that, then please read the other pages on our web-site and take our short soundproofing courses.

    At the end of "Introduction to Soundproofing", I will discuss wall plugs and other subjects and offer advice on IF you need to soundproof your walls to achieve the noise reduction you want.

    The first soundproofing course is a general sound proofing plan for your walls. At the end, we will describe some other alternatives and why you may want to use them.

  4. you have inner room made for both of you

  5. you can do it by putting rugs and carpets in the room, use little carpets as doormats so that there is no gap between the doors and the floor.hanging tapestry or any cloth wall hanging will work also. if your rooms are very bare the sound echoes. if you have floor cushions and heavy drapes and curtains, the sound is absorbed and you will have privacy. i usually have soft music playing or the TV at very moderate volume to create background noise - it is very soothing and relaxing too. if you keep the wndows open a little, outside sounds will mask your own conversations.

  6. If you are renting you want to think about moving.

    If you own the cost of sound deadening  drywall is very expensive but will kill almost any pitch and bass that any stereo can deliver.

    Sounds like the original construction was built with "Minimum Code'

    You could strap and put on 5-8-drywall but you may have other issues.

    You could "Whack" your neighbors (its a joke) or move

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