
What can I do to make society better?

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What are some things that I can do that's easy and affordable.. Any ideas?




  1. Don't be politically correct. It's ruining our country.

  2. Be the very best you that you can be. The people who have done the best things for the most people were individuals with extremely great character themselves. Mother Teresa just was as great a person, one to one, that she could be. And others were so impressed they began to do likewise. The same is true of Ghandi. He stood up individually and it in-couraged others and then it became a movement. Not because he went out and rallied folks but because he did it alone first. Martin Luther (the Reformation guy that was the catalyst for Protestantism) stood up alone. As did the guys who inspired him. As did the first US civil rights leaders. They all did what they did (see Jesus Christ too) alone, and stood up for what they valued most, whether they'd have died for it or not. So, pick your stands carefully too. It was their courage and character that caused others to stand up. That's what birthed great social movements. You can't do it to affect society. You have to BE great. It takes a great human be-ing. Not a great human do-ing. First you have to be. Then you can do. And then, if you survived long enough (some don't) others will be encouraged to do so too.

  3. I agree with Dr. J. Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in others."

  4. Pray

  5. Number 1. priority,


  6. Consider this 'proverb'.

    I tried to change the world, but I failed.

    So, I tried to change my country, but I failed.

    So, I tried to change my city, but I failed.

    So, I tried to change my family, but I failed.

    So, I tried to change MYSELF.

    When I changed  myself, my family changed.

    When my family changed, my city changed.

    When my city changed, my country changed.

    When my country changed, the world changed.

    So, if you want to change society (or the world), you begin by changing yourself.

    Best wishes and good luck.

  7. by asking that question, shows your a caring person, give of your love and compassion for all living things, and you will be doing the best that you can.

  8. 1) Ignore people who urge you not to be politically correct. They're almost always fascists.

    2) Find other people who are wondering the same things. (you're probably at a school right?)

    3) Read Howard Zinn's "Peoples History of the United States". Read what you can find from and about the 1960s. See what people did then.

  9. be who you are.. play the role that you need to play correctly and appropriately considering the effects it would give after doing such actions..

    be able to distinguish right from wrong.. in your own simple ways  you can be able to serve as a living model in your surrounding and in the whole world..  but in all the things you do.. don't forget to pray and thank Him for all the wonderful things He did..

    you are very nice.. you want to have a better society.. I hope that someday all the people here on earth are not just existing but living to be a better person for  a better life.. thanks! and im really proud of you!

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