
What can I do to make sure I do well in my college courses as a freshman??

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to get into the swing of things but everything just seems so overwhelming. The assigned readings, the huge textbooks, the papers. I'm really afraid that I'll mess up somehow and just not do well.

What are some IDEAS, suggestions, TIPS, ADVICE...any specific details to give me to make sure I succeed?

What do college students do? How do they study?




  1. My few rules for getting a high GPA in college:

    *  NEVER miss the first day of class or the class before an exam.

    *  Go to class every session - even if they don't take roll.

    *  Sit in the A-zone and pay attention.

    *  Know what your appearance says about you as a student.  It makes a difference.  

    *  Read the book!  Of course he wants you to read the book - that's why it's on the reading list.

    *  Don't procrastinate.  Start all assignments on the day they're assigned - then you'll know how much work it's going to require.

    *  Get out of high school/little kid brain.  Think and act like an adult.  This isn't the 13th grade.

    *  Accept responsibility for your own actions.  Learn to develop an 'internal locus of control' (Google that term if you don't know it)

    *  Find the smart people.  Study with them.  There's a reason they have a 3.75-4.0 collegiate GPA.

    *  Read the college catalog.  Really read it.  Know what the rules are and what's required in your program.  

    *  Never expect that your advisor is completely certain of what courses you need to take.  Don't completely discount your advisor though - he/she does have a college degree.

    Just remember why you're in college - it's not to party and have a good social experience.  You're there to learn things.  Learn things!  Having fun is the secondary goal.  It's not fun to fail out or to have to try and recover from a bad semester.

    Only give serious consideration to advice about how to graduate from people who have managed to graduate.  People that haven't managed to graduate yet don't understand.  They think they understand, but they don't.  This includes non-degreed parents and friends.  

  2. Tequila shot but no worm.

  3. lol study

  4. Just concentrate on studying and not the friday night frat parties!

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