
What can I do to make sure this isn't happening? ?

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Making a very long story short. I lost my job a few weeks ago. I worked at a Church daycare and I got fired because I missed too many days of work. Ok I missed too many days because I have a daughter that was born a premmie 7 weeks early. She got sick a lot within her first year of life and Im sorry but my child was a miracle that she was even born let along that she survived. They got a new preacher while I was out having the baby. He doesn’t have kids and at first didn’t want anything to do with the daycare but then decided to take it over because it was more money for him. Now I know preachers are so holy it peoples eyes, and I still have no bad will towards him but I really am concerned about something. I know that all there allowed to say is yes I worked there for 3 years “yeah worked there for 3 years without missing a day before the baby” and they can ask if they would hirer me back.. Im starting to wonder if there saying other stuff that’s effecting me finding a job. I have applied everywhere. Im so frustrated because I know I work hard. I can’t get unemployment because the daycare doesn’t have enough workers to half to apply to that rule. I even applied at a gas station because I know as a mother I half to have a income too support my daughter. I have years of retail experience and that’s where it got me wondering if there saying something bad. Yes I did miss a lot of work but my baby will always come first. Now that she is almost a year old she never gets sick and I haven’t missed work in a while he just spuing this on me and said “ its not our fault your stupid little child keeps getting sick” But yet again preachers are holy and its his word against mine. Ask yourself this, are you going to believe a person of god or a job-less mother trying to find a job. How can I find out if there saying something bad. I live near Charlotte NC if that helps any.




  1. First off, you need to put the past behind you and it is indeed sorry if the Pastor cut you because of your child's health issues. Sometimes church management decisions are made by a church board or elders so the pastor may have had others he is accountable to.

    Grocery store chain jobs are ideal jobs. My daughter had her job at Albertson's almost all the way through college before she became a teacher. One of her friends started afterwards and he manages his own store now. This is a good job indeed and good benefits and good future for advancement if you decide to make a career.

    Because these stores are often union, there are policies and procedures in place for how people are treated. There is no yelling or strange stuff that is a part of the restaurant/fast food world.

    Best wishes...

  2. When applying for a job, let them know that you lost your last job because of the health problems of your child. Also let them know that your child is healthy now and that will no longer be a problem.

    Be honest with your potential employers. Can't hurt your prospects of getting a new job.

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