
What can I do to make time go faster???

by  |  earlier

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I am currently 28 weeks pregnant, and sometimes I cant believe how fast it has gone! But then other days, especially recently... seem to take forever!

I am really trying not to rush my pregnancy at all and I am definitely enjoying every minute of it.

But I cant help but want my baby girl here... like NOW! I think the reason is I am done work on October 17th so I'm dying for that day to come... which feels like an eternity away.

And I have a bunch of friends, family and coworkers who are all pregnant right now and all SLIGHTLY ahead of me... so they are either off work already or just about ready to have their babies. It's just making me feel a little blah... as if I'm waiting and waiting while everyone else is moving ahead. I know I will get there eventually... but is there anything I can do to get my mind off this constant countdown?

I am already a pretty busy person... I work full time and exercise regularly... I am married and on weekends we are usually visiting people or doing something out of the house. I just dont know what else to do with my time.

So does anyone have any advice or suggestions? I just feel like time is standing still for me. :o(

Thanks in advance!!!




  1. I was the same way with my daughter I was enjoying her kicking and all but I got so antsy for her to come! You can't help it and its very normal. I never got rid of the constant countdown in my mind lol!

    Something I did I got a binder and started writing stuff about each week in my book it helped me get a lot of my mind and now I enjoy looking back at my books from my children seeing how I was feeling that week, doctor appts,what you did that week. Also enjoy your sleep she will be here before you know it :)


  2. A great time killer is to play computer games, but if you don't like computer games you can try playing casual games. Casual games are fun, simple, games that you can play for hours on end without getting bored. The most popular ones are Bejeweled 2 and Zumb. There free online games that are really fun. (The downloadable version costs money but the online version is free and just as good.) You can find them just by putting the name of the game in a search engine, or you could go to the most popular casual game web site, and play tons of other casual games. Most casual games have to do with getting three in a row of something, but in others your doing things like finding objects in a picture and things like that. There's also card games where you need to match two of the same card and things like that. You can also try going to They have casual games also. (Casual games can also be called puzzle games)

  3. buckle down and try to relax. Just wait until you are 3 weeks away. Its even worse!

    Good luck!

  4. ahh hun im on the same count down. I just try to think ahead and try to plan more things out.

  5. Spend your most of time in worship and ask God to make it easy for you. Don't think much about it and take your time as were having before. Take care of yourself. There are many who will have babies before you but there are also many who are behind you.

  6. You are not going to like what I have to say... it only seems to get worse honey. I'm 39 weeks and feel like I have been pregnant for 2 years! I say just keep doing what you are doing and the day will come, and like anything else you will be surprised at how fast it went by once its done. I know it doesn't help you now and I'm sorry. I wish I knew the answer to give you because I need it too!! LOL! Good Luck

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