
What can I do to make up to my parents?

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I snuck out of the house and went somewhere and they're really dissappointed in me. I feel so bad when people are mad at me especially because I never do anything bad :[. I tried saying sorry but they were like 'well it's too late for that.' I'm really feeling down right now, what can I do to make up so I don't feel so crappy.




  1. try talking to them about it! Tell them that you know what you did was wrong! Tell them exactly how you feel about what you have done! Let them know that you want to work on trying to rebuild their trust. And see if they can help you come up with ways that you can do that.

    It never hurt someone to talk to their parents. Yeah, you might get in trouble.,.. but if they didn't love you they wouldn't worry. If they didn't love you, they wouldn't punish you when you did something wrong. Let them know that you are greatful for them being upset at you when you did something wrong. Because atleast you know they love you. But now you need to be totally open and honest.

    I have no relationship with either one of my parents. So I am living a life with 3 kids, divorced twice and no one to talk to or to help with my problems. I am stuck doing it all alone. Please don't make the same mistakes that I did. It's not a way to live your life. It is very lonely. Just be sure that you are doing whatever it takes to NOT s***w UP AGAIN!!

  2. There is no quick way - sorry isn't good enough without showing them that you wont do it again. They probably know it was out of character and they'll come round really quickly - just be good, and dont worry it will be fine!

  3. They are just afraid that something could happen to you. Don't stop communicating with them, let them know who you are. I lost touch with my parents emotionally when I was a teen, and it made things a lot harder.

  4. I think that you should try to talk to your parents again, and apologize again to that they understand you are sorry.  Then you should ask them how you can earn their trust back, because that is probably why they are disappointed.  

  5. i would just try to talk to them about it and if you didnt do anything bad tell them what you went to do and just ask if you can have more freedom to leave the house to go do what it is you not a dad yet and i would understand that

  6. Make dinner as a surprise for them. Clean your room / rooms that they clean. Do the dishes. Offer to watch a sibling. (If you have $$$), get them tickets to a movie they want to see. Make home-made cards that say you're sorry. Or, make a powerpoint to say you're sorry. Let them know you love them by doing simple, cute things. They will appreciate it.  

  7. As a paarent of 4 children, I can honestly say that they will get over it.

    they're only worried about you, and now they're even more worried that something can happen to you when they are sleeping and totally unaware that you've gone out.

    It will take some time for them to trust you again.  Just be on your best behaviour and never do it again.

  8. Show them what you have written here and tell them how bad you feel and that you are sorry and that you won't do it again.  I know you already said that, but say it again.  Your parents will forgive you.  It may just take a day or two.  If you don't usually do things like this they know that you are basically a good kid, and they will be ok.  You'll be ok too.  You are certainly not the first kid to sneak out of the house, and you won't be the last.  Think about all the times you have obeyed the rules, and maybe then you won't feel so bad.  You know who you are, and your parents will still be proud of you.  In a few weeks all of you might even be able to laugh about this.

    One thing you could do is some more writing about it.  Write about why you did sneak out, what you did, how you felt about it, and how you feel now.  Put everything in writing, and give it to your parents to read.  They will feel better when they read it.

    And for the next little while for sure do everything you can to show them that you will be responsible and will obey the rules.  Clean your room without being asked, help out around the house, get homework done without being reminded, do well in school.  You'll be fine.

  9. tell them this exact speech

    "Guys,I know you are mad at me but I am a (teenager?) and I made a mistake. I am sorry. Just forgive me."

    And make sure you are extra good until you are forgiven.

  10. if they can't trust you in little things

    they won't be able to trust you in big things........

    that's what they're thinking.......

    if you understand this.........

    your words to them need to be.......

    you're right-----I'm sorry----it won't happen again-----

    that's all you can do and heal this quicker

  11. Tell Them Im sorry and that you will take whatever punisment they give you.

  12. give it some time for the negativity to go away

  13. You should sit down and talk to them about it. Explain to them the thought process behind and reasons for your actions. Then explain that you weren't intentionally trying to betray their trust, because that is what hurts them the most...the fact that they trusted you. Ask them if there is something or anything you can do to get that trust back.

  14. leave this question open on your computer next time you go out, sorted!!

  15. you have to gain their trust in you again, and it takes time.  show them that you can be trusted.

  16. Just tell them you are sorry and don't do it again.  We all make mistakes.  I know I have and I had to do the same thing tell my mom sorry for the way I was as a teen shortly after my mom died.  


  17. well you go to them and tell them you will never do this again and stick to it. i did this years ago and you know what my folks never forgave me it stuck with me till the day my dad died. yepper some parents can be hateful and mean sometimes.

  18. Do something nice for them like extra chores with out them asking you. Like making dinner or washing dishes or cleaning up around the house might help a little bit.

  19. As a parent, I can tell you that there's no easy way out of what you've done. Losing your parents' trust hurts - both you and them - and often nothing but time, and showing them over and over that you can be trusted, will heal the break in your relationship.

    I'm guessing they're probably mostly angry because they worry about you and want you to be safe in what can sometimes be a very scary world.  It may help you to feel a little bit better to think about kids in other families whose parents never pay attention to them or care about them. It sounds like yours are good people who want to do right by you. Keep working hard at this relationship. I know you'll make them proud!

  20. Tell them you are are really disappointed in yourself, too.  It was a lesson learned but it helps if they acknowledge your apology.  And just leave it alone.  Don't beat yourself over it.  Everyone makes mistakes and you deal with the consequences.  Luckily it was a mistake that only disappointed your parents nothing else.

    Because if they don't then you will probably not apologize in the future.  (don't say that, I am just stating an opinion)

    Good luck!!

  21. well just be good and accept your punishment for the next few days then talk to your parents and they will let go of your punishment

  22. Well you should start saying what you did wrong, and saying sorry a million times and say you will never do that again.

    I hope I answered  You question! :)

  23. Sit them down and explain how you feel,And promise you will never disappoint them

  24. when my parents are ticked at me, i give them a while to calm down - wait until the next day. until then, be sure to be on your best behavior - do all your chores without being asked and even throw a few more in, finish all your homework and work on being especially nice to your siblings (if you have any). then, if your parents don't seem to want to talk to you much after that, write them a note telling them how you feel and that you are thankful to them for all their love and support and promise to be more thoughtful, etc... leave it in their room or on the table for them to find. after they read that you can work on getting them to talk to you and trust you again - it can take a while! good luck

  25. very good question

    well i think you should

    wake up really early and then clean the whole house but

    try not to make noise

    also make breakfast

    for them

    and then treat them like there a king and queen


    make food they really like for them

    also if you started school

    you should try to get a's


    treat them as i said for at least a month or 2weeks

    then there probably

    not be mad at you

    hopes this helps

  26. You're young, they'll get over it. :D

    I remember sneaking out as a kid... d**n it was fun. :D

    Just don't do anything stupid, and tell them you love and appreciate them! A parent would rather have a child that loves them then one that obeys their every command. h**l, clean the house for them... say "please" and "thank you" at the dinner table.... far better things than not sneaking out!

    But let me repeat the "don't do anything stupid" part. lol.

  27. Well, I'm proud of you for not getting an attitude.  Your parents will come around.  You are living in their house and have all the responsibilities, including being responsible for you and anything you do or that happens to you.  That's a big load.  They may seem unreasonable at times, but you should enjoy being a kid in your parents house and enjoy your youth--regardless of what your peers say or can do.  Before long, you'll be out in the cold, cruel world with all the freedom you want.

    I agree with Stormy--do something special for them.  Helping out is always good.  Wash the bath towels (follow the directions on the detergent box/bottle and lid of washer and dryer)  and fold them and put them away, clean up the dishes after dinner, learn to cook . . . . collect the garbage on garbage day and take it to the curb, or whatever your process is.

  28. Breaking your parents trust is not an easy thing to fix sometimes.  You'll have to earn that trust back and depending on how "disappointed" they are could take a bit.

    The best thing to do is be honest with them making sure that you do not repeat your mistake.  Keep them informed on what you are doing and whats up with your life.  

    Showing them that you trust them with your life will go a long way in regaining their trust.

    However in the grand theme of life sneaking out isn't the worst you could have done so I wouldn't fret to much about it.

    You could always offer to help them with some special project as well.

    Again though I wouldn't worry to to much as your parents should get over it.

  29. I'm not sure how old you are, where you went, how long you were gone, or what you did.  Sneaking out is not a good thing to do in a relationship with your parents.  Your feelings mean you feel guilty.  What you did was not the best thing to do.  I would suggest that you first accept what you did was wrong and don't try to rush past this to feel better.  Feeling bad can be the best motivator to change behavior.  Let your guilty feelings keep you acting more responsible, honest, and respectful to your parents.  Second, talk to them about how you feel and that you see what you did was wrong.

    But maybe you need to ask if you really think what you did was wrong?  Again, I do not know the details of all you did.  Why did you sneak out?  Are your parents pretty fair abot what you are allowed to do.  If yes, stop pushing the envelope and accept more of their rules.  If they do not seems fair.  Think about what could be possible changes you could ask for, but obviously you would not ask for that soon, as you are in deep doodoo now.

    Accept your punishment, think how you can be more respectful and obey rules, and follow those rules.  Your actions will help you feel better.

    There is no real quick fix, sorry.

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