
What can I do to my skin?

by  |  earlier

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I have a lil bit of a sunburn so my skin is really tight.., but the problem is that I popped sum pipples and they turned to a black scab...So what can I possibly do other than cover them up..To make 'em look better for tomorow?? Thanks




  1. MOISTERIZE IT!!! theres not much you can do...

  2. dig the scab out , fill in hole with a drop of superglue,then lightly powder with face powder.  and next time ya want to pick, make sure your fingers are covered with a couple of layers of tissue paper, only squeeze off the surface , and clean and dry with rubbing alcohol .  fingernails make holes scars, and scabs.  

  3. Honey, the only thing you can do is wash your face every night and morning and just hope your pimples go away.

  4. moisture your face, maybe with e45 cream

  5. Cocoa Butter,or you can also use ocean potion.It works great on sunburns.

  6. i would really check that out at a dermatoligist center.Just to make sure ur skin is fine

  7. u cant do anything

    wear a gorilla costume

  8. For sunburn the news said to put milk on it i dont understand how it helps but its supposed to..

  9. tomorow your  best bet is to simply cover up with some sort of make up because no matter what product you will take time to heal...thats what celebs do all the time...conceal their flaws...with the all mighty makeup =]]

    xXGood LuckXx

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