
What can I do to not be so stressed?

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ok...I'm 13 years old.

I live with my parents my brother and my grandpa.

my grandpa had a stroke in december and lost a lot of his memory. so a lot of the time i have to deal with him asking weird questions and sometimes i have to babysit him too. At school I'm in all of the advanced classes possible and sometimes i have loads of homework.

Right now my parents are in a little fight and i'm worried about their relationship :(

I don't know it seems like i've been under a lot of stress lately! Or am i exaggerating?

What can i do to not be so stresses!

specific details please!

Please Help!

Thank you <3




  1. Maybe have a night with your friends on the weekend and just have some fun to take your mind off all the problems. Your grandpa, and your parents fighting is quite a load to handle. You&#039;re 13, enjoy it while you can! Leave the big problems to the adults. (I don&#039;t mean that in a rude way)

    If it&#039;s getting to be too much to handle, maybe you should seek some help or find someone to talk with about it.

    Good luck! :o)

  2. go jogging

    drink tea

    take time to just listen to music and get some shuteye

    With social stress, bury yourself in homework and don&#039;t think about it.

  3. um well i think its because you have to much to do like you&#039;ve got to much home work and the stress of worring about your parents relationship what im saying is that you have to much to do and some times it helps just to go to bed early like my mum used to be reallly stressed and depressed but when she got a new job it all changed so her problem was her job anyway hope this helps. good luck

  4. keep yourselves busy through out the day... indulge in sports, music, yoga.. make new friends.. be with the friends who can make you laugh... watch comedy movies... savour nature...

  5. wow, thats harsh. Try doing things that will keep ur mind off everything on weekends with friends.

    I&#039;m so sorry about ur grandpa! i guess what you can do with him is just talk with him for a few minutes, try to do it everyday.

    what i would do when my parents fight is that i would start a conversation at times like at dinner. (make everyone part of the conversation)  hope this works- good luck!

  6. I&#039;m really sorry about that, answer your grandpa&#039;s questions, and sometimes have fun with it, like if he asks what your doing, or what were you two doing or anything to that effect, say you were drawing up you blue prints to take over the blue tack company and make a building out of it.Take a long shower, daydream and read books, learn to draw. all of which don&#039;t cost and can be done at home whilst baby sitting.

    its alright to be upset and stressed, sometimes just let it all out when your sitting in your room.

    its all human.

  7. Talk to your parents about how you feel.  They need to realize that you are at a very important age in your life where things happening to you now will drastically affect how you end up in the next 5-10 years.  Find a healthy activity where you can get away for a bit and socialize with other kids your age, like a sport or music or something.  This may give your parents something else to focus on as well, they are probably just as stressed out as well.  Sometimes even the people we rely on need our help to realize that their situation and yours can be vastly improved if everyone works together and helps each other out.  If things really get bad, sounds like you are in a bad spot but definitely not anything way out of the ordinary, then I would suggest talking to a counselor about it and get a professional opinion on what to do.  School counselors are usually well prepared for helping kids in your situation.

  8. start thinking about what you want in life and and what you can achieved by doing it i know your situation but you should let go sometimes and try and live your own life because that&#039;s why you are here for its your life stop trying to solve everyone else problems out when you have your own. its your live your life so live it and try your hardest to not be in the situation you are in NOW other people get you down sometimes and because you are a light hearted person its effects you as much as it does them try to think about yourself some times hope the edvice helped  

  9. It&#039;s understandable that you feel stressed.  There are a lot of stressful things going on in your house.  

    You have enough to deal with just taking advanced classes. They really are a lot of work, and you should be given all the time you need to get your homework done and keep your grades up.

    Talk to your parents.  Explain that you may not have time to take care of your grandpa on school nights because you need to focus on your school work.  They should not expect you to carry that burden.  But if you can babysit him a little bit on weekends, it might be a good thing.

    Ask your parents straight out about their fighting and what it means.  That&#039;s another burden you shouldn&#039;t carry.  Remember that whatever happens in their relationship, they love you and want to be good parents to you.  It&#039;s not about you; it&#039;s about them. They are adult enough to handle it.  You don&#039;t have to support them.  

    There&#039;s nothing you can do about your grandpa&#039;s weird questions.  Just try to be understanding.  He is scared and confused too.  He needs to know that his family loves him.

    Take care of yourself.  Get some support. This will not last forever.  

  10. You need quiet time for yourself.. do something that helps you relax that you like doing.. start a craft project or a good book.. or try joining an after school program.. or going to the library..

    I hope things get better for you just hang in there kiddo...

  11. turn to god :)

  12. think about the starving kids in africa.

    then think of your life.

    you&#039;ve got it made; don&#039;t stress.  

  13. wow. you have way too much on your plate. take it one thing at a time and take it one day at a time. why not take a day or two off. tell you mom and dad that you think it&#039;s a good idea to spend some quality time outside. go camping, fishing, to the park, beach, lake anything to get you guys away from the steady build up of stress.

  14. drugs.

    get on some dang medication girl.

  15. sorry baby

    i think you should ask your parents to give you a little time for you

  16. You&#039;re not exaggerating, you&#039;re completely justified in feeling the way you do. I wouldn&#039;t worry too much about your parents because they can surprise you. Parents have ways of working things out with eachother, so I wouldn&#039;t get too upset just yet. If you need to get out of your house, something that I do when I&#039;m stressed is I take a walk around the block of my neighborhood. Sometimes I take my dog, other times I take a friend. Music helps a lot, too. Just know that things will eventually work themselves out, no matter how hopeless things seem to be. =) Best wishes

  17. Don&#039;t worry about your parents, they can get through it, believe me, love is a strong thing.

    If you feel like the advanced classes are too difficult then just tell your guidance counselor, your parents won&#039;t mind.

    Strokes are tough,but he may still regain some of his memory, so just keep on trying, remind him of past things and just relax and enjoy the ride.

  18. First off what happens with your parents is not your concern. Think about it they are under a lot of stress to(grandpa) with your grandpa you should enjoy all the time you get with him. He&#039;s not going to be around a lot longer. Then when he is gone you will miss all of his weird questions. With your classes tell your teacher you are under a lot of stress and maybe you shouldn&#039;t be in the higher classes at this time in your life.  

  19. just remember..don&#039;t worry, cuz everything&#039;ll be all right in the end. :)

  20. no ur not over exaggerating, i completely understand, just try your best to get everything u need to do out of the way and make time for u! for instance take a long shower or bath, jus chill in ur room and listen to sum music, rent a movie if u havent seen it 27 dresses is great! :) even do a fun girl thing get together with sum of ur girl friends and have a girl nit, write in a diary if u have 1, relax and eat sumthing good, jus take sum time out 4 u! and its even better cuz weve got labor day off so uve got that extra day :)... hope i helped :)

  21. thats a young age to be stressed but i can understand that. i was stressed at that age because of family problems and it isn&#039;t fair that your family is putting this stress on you.

    dont be worried about your parents, parents fight and most likely thats all it is. maybe you can tell them how stressed you are because of all the things you have doing. if they are loving normal parents they will understand.

    to be less stressed i would recommend something like running or joining a sports team. when i run i think about things. i challenge myself running further and harder and it helps release a lot of stress. you can even try painting. painting and gardening helps me when im stressed and gardening is very therapeutic.

    just know when you are stressed that it isn&#039;t the end of the world. homework will be finished and you sound smart. know that you always complete it in end and that worrying about before its done will do nothing for you. worrying does nothing but wear you out and it shows. instead, try not to stress about. read books, i recommend &quot;dont sweat the small stuff&quot;. enough said :)

  22. yoga and massages and also thinking about how lucky you are to actually be living in a nice clean house with and roof...And being alive

  23. take a shower and rub one out

  24. I don&#039;t know about your beliefs, but it helps me to pray.

  25. Just do not worry about things.  Talk to God, Talk to Jesus and tell him about all the trouble your going through.  Christ Jesus and God can do anything to help you.

  26. It is stressful being a teenager especially if your in all AP classes, and especially if your parents are always fighting.  I would talk to them if I were you, and tell them how you feel.

    Im going to school full time, raising a two yr old, and working, so I know that your feeling overwhelmed...

    but it can always be much much worse! Be thankful for what you do have ya know...?

    much love


  27. I&#039;m not 13 anymore, but I remember what it was like and how I felt. My mom was undergoing cancer surgery and alot fell to me,cooking, cleaning and being an adult way too soon. Sounds like you have alot on your shoulders, you sound like a loving daughter and grand daughter, but you need someone to share your burdens and concerns, not just friends tho they are very important. I mean a councelor from school,   Someone from your church, a favorite teacher,

      Its so difficult to haandle all these problems. Do you like music, try listening to music on earphones and let your mind float, or start a journal, whatever it takes to give you some ease. I wish the best for you, There has to be alot of  people who are proud of you. Good luck.

  28. join a sport team. You will foget all about your problems.  

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