
What can I do to not get nervouse when i take my written dmv test?!?! Help!

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Over the past 4 months i have took it twice and failed both times. Every time i failed i had something new to study on that i did not know before. Now i have read over the book about 4 times and i feel like i know just about everything in it! Im not a dumb person (3.7 gpa), i just get super nervous when i take it ( i start to sweat and feel my heart beat really fast!) I feel like i could have passed the first time if i was not so nervous. And i almost dont even want to take it again because i hate that feeling of failure! What do i do!?




  1. just breath and relax...tell yourself you can do it.

  2. Don't worry so much. Just think this: if you fail agian, so what? You already failed twice and nothing bad happened. You know the book, you're a smart kid, you'll be fine. Just take a minute to calm down, breathe deep, and go do it!  

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