
What can I do to prepare myself for the first day of school?

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I'm gonna be in 8th grade and there are 2 more days until the first day of school. Plus we have to be with the 7th graders. That sucks, right? Anyways, are there any TIPS please?????? I'M SCARED AND I NEED HELP!! lololol




  1. u gonig to be in the same school as last year right? then dont worry, there is no problems. just dsoi what u did last yeatr

  2. grade 8 is a piece of cake

  3. The major thing to do is to calm down. Since you are going into eighth grade, there is really nothing to worry about since you "rule" the seventh grade. Going into seventh grade instead of eighth grade is actually a lot scarier than eighth grade is, since you know where the rooms are and how the teachers act (right?)

    Main thing: just remember to study hard and work on trying to make it to high school (which I'm starting in two days, too! Aah!)

    Also, please try to not get a boyfriend or anything. You're way too young to even think about guys, okay? Wait until you're at least in high school, okay? You need to focus on studying. Promise me? Great. Good luck!

  4. lol im going back in two days too (only into 10th grade)

    be friendly to people. talk to the people around you(if you get assigned seats) even if you have plenty of friends in your class. what are you scared of? it wont be that different than 7th grade. pay attention in class enough so you understand everything and you dont get behind. if you dont get something, ask questions. keep your studies up but still be social, its 8th grade, i remember in 8th grade we did a lot of fun things(not so much in school, but after school)

    good luck!! (wish me luck too) :P

  5. be organized

    be positive

    dress for success

    its no  big deal i just started school. its no different than any other first day. you will do just fine

    good luck!

  6. Be yourself.

    Try not to fit in with the popular kids.

    Try out/start a new trend

    This is it -- the final year before students enter high school. You will need to take challenging courses in order to prepare. There will be more emphasis on discussion rather than the simple recall of facts. You will begin to make important decisions about careers and behavior. you also should be taking total responsibility for completing your assignments both at school and at home.

    For many students, this is the last year to catch up on poor reading, writing, and math skills. If they don't, many will leave high school without graduating. Students who are not motivated to succeed in school will have trouble handling assignments this year and in high school.

    You will have trouble if you are not able to:

    Use the computer as a research and word processing tool.

    Handle homework without prodding or assistance.

    Communicate easily with her teachers.

    Demonstrate good, solid study skills.

    Skillfully express herself in words and in writing.

    Keep organized by writing all your assignments in one place.

    If you have a question in class, ask it. It’s best to get answers right away in order to understand what comes next. If there’s one subject that’s particularly difficult, be sure to ask your teacher for help after school.

    Pay attention during class. It’s hard to learn if you don’t listen.

    Look at your assignments as soon as you get home. That way you can plan your study time and other activities better.

    Pick a good time for you to study. Study during that same time every day. If that time doesn’t work for you after awhile, be sure to change it to a time that works better.

    Study in a quiet place. Distractions make it harder to concentrate.

    Take breaks. If you’re trying to study and all you can think about is moving around, then move around. There’s no point in studying if you can’t concentrate. Keep breaks to a maximum of 10 minutes. And do your best not to break more than one time per hour.

    Sometimes it may be helpful to study with friends. Review your notes together and ask questions. But be sure to stay focused on the subject. Friends can be helpful, but they can sometimes be a distraction.

    Try different study techniques. Everyone’s different, so study the way that works best for you.

    Test Prep

    Start studying long before the test. Do not cram one day before. Chances are, you’ll forget what you read because you didn’t take the time to learn it.

    Get as much information about what will be on the test as possible. Make a list of what you need to know. Then go down the list as you study.

    Figure out your strong areas and the areas that need more of your attention. Plan your time accordingly.

    Read and study to understand. Don’t just read to memorize. If you just memorize, there’s a good chance you’ll forget what you’ve read. If you understand it, it will always make sense.

    Relax. If you’re nervous, you’ll have a hard time concentrating on the test.

    Be positive. If you go into a test thinking you’re going to fail, your chances of doing well will go down.

    Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test. You’ll want your mind to be ready for your test in the morning.

    Eat breakfast. This will give you energy and will help you focus on your test.

    Pace yourself. Racing through the test could cause you to misunderstand a question and get the wrong answer.

    If a question stumps you, skip it, move on, and go back to it if you have more time at the end of the test.

    When you’ve completed your test, review your answers. Make sure you haven’t skipped over any questions, and be sure that all of your answers are complete and easy to read.

    After your test has been turned in and you’re done, reward yourself by doing something fun.

  7. HEY IM IN 7TH GRADE!!! OR GOING INTO IT!! well anyways, just dont fret  

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