
What can I do to...?

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What can I do to keep my hamster happier and live longer


What can I do to get my hair dye to get darker than it is without dying it?

Thank y'all!




  1. To keep your hamster happy, make sure he has a big cage with lots of space to excercise, and lots of toys to play with; feed him good quality food and make sure he always has enough water. Be sure to take him out and cuddle with him lots too! Hamsters arent as social as some other rodents, so as long as youre giving him the attention he needs, he shouldnt need a hamster buddy!

    As for your hair, there is special henna shampoo (like a henna tattoo) that you can buy for dark hair that temporarily makes your hair darker (and really shiny too) I know because I've bought it for my horse =P But ive seen it at stores for people too!

  2. get those little tubes and make a tube maze for your hamster and get another hamster so they can play.  

    Don't go into the sun light.  The sun bleaches your hair.

  3. is your hamster male or female anyway get it a s*x partner s*x is healthy for humans i'm sure it will help it too plus babies are cute oh and you can take them to some pet stores and they'll take them yup as for your hair idk try shampoo for people with dyed hair maybe it will make your color more rich and darker and keep it from fading.... or they make shampoo for brunets try that idk if it will make it darker you could look into it i hope i helped :)
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