
What can I do to reach people without provoking them and make my message, which is pointed, more palatable?

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It has been my ambition to bring awareness to the realities of a long ignored and confused debate. That of WMT's profiteering from and aid to the COMMUNIST regime in China in order to undermine domestic labor and avoid living wages with BOTH Clinton's indepth participation for over 20 years. They have equipped the largest standing army ever arrayed to oppose human freedom o this earth in today's PLA from an ineffective, illequipped and unorganized force only 15 years ago! Hillary in particular has had a most prominent an unseen role in enabling this to happen, a fact I am aware of as a 20 yr WMT insider. How would you tell this story? Thank you for your consideration and suggestions.




  1. The Chinese must be freed from the bondage of communism by giving them freedom to enjoy the fruits of capitalism that was little by little being adopted by the government.

  2. I stopped reading as soon as you invoked the Clintons. If you can't be truthful you're message is falling on deaf ears.

  3. If your agenda is anti-Clinton, then be up-front about it.  They are not to blame for the current problems with China. That regime has been just as much supported by the Bushes over the last 8 years.


    Do you honestly think that if Walmart had not gone into China for products that Target, Sear, KMart, and many others would not have.

    Clothes and things were being made in CHINA SHIPPED TO HONG KONG OR THIALAND THEN SHIPPED TO THE USA FOR YEARS  before WalMart started shipping straight from China.

    MAN you need to travel more and see what really goes on around the world.

  5. You need to understand that you are attempting to reason with people who consider that the end justifies the means and for whom profit is the driving force.

    The fact that American jobs are being lost to low wage economies in the East does not concern such people.  The fact that they are generating larger profits and accumulating huge personal wealth is all that matters.

    Personally I think you are wasting your time.  As long as people are stupid enough to pay top dollar for sub standard products produced in cheap labour sweat shops in the far East the economic tactic of exploiting cheap labour at the expense of American jobs will continue.

    One thing is for sure though.  You are not going to convert many people to your way of thinking by arguing your case on YA.  Most of the people using this forum are pro Capitalist consumer monkeys who are easily manipulated by glitzy advertisements and would buy anything endorsed by a football player or a basketball star.  They don't even realise that the Stars and Stripes that waves gently in the wind outside their homes was probably made in China.

    You would probably have a lot more success if you took the time to write a book and structured it in such a way as to present your assertions in a coherent, fact based manner that the consumer monkeys can understand.  You know the format.  Single syllable words and pictures of semi naked women, nah only joking, but write a serious book and present your evidence in the best way that you can.

    If the book is any good, people will begin to listen.

  6. Do what you are doing now... write CONGENIAL articles, blogs, etc... that express your thoughts. Of course the best way when you are not a professional is online... of which you are doing.

    Good Luck

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