
What can I do to recycle old, outdated textbooks?

by  |  earlier

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These books are not being accepted from online buyback sites, and they're not selling on ebay,, etc. Library and donation sites aren't taking them because they're pre 2000. I'd like to recycle them in some way rather than just throw them out. Any ideas?




  1. yes put them in the recycling bin...


  3. I believe certain teachers or tutors may sometimes need such books, especially if they have any academic value, for referring to certain information. Thus, you could try to offer it to a local group which you know offer tutoring session to kids. If that does not work, I would then suggest just donating them to a thrift-store..."Donations always accepted".


    if they are less than 20 years old it looks like they will accept them.

  5. Think about it as a workout.

    Hardcovers have to be ripped off. Then all the

    pages go into the paper recycle bin.

    You will be doing muscle work on forearms,

    biceps, and more.

    I also have a bunch of these old texts and

    do as above from time to time.

    It is only the hard cover that the city doesn't

    want to recycle.

  6. Try somewhere like your local Freecycle group first to see if anyone will take them. If not then recycle.

  7. call your local recycling center they should have some sort of paper recycling

    I know we do

  8. The Saline County Library System takes book donations. I have seen old textbooks for sale when they have their book sales every few months. I'm sure they would love to have them. They could get some revenue for the library and someone else might be able to get some good use out of the textbooks.


  9. Hardcover books are not traditionally recyclable in most programs because of the glue in the binding.  Check with your local recycling authority.

    Try Hands Across The Water (Google it) They send books overseas to developing countries.

    In Massachusetts we have a service called Got Books? Check out

    They reuse, resell books, and whatever is not sellable they donate to overseas countries or recycle in special book recycling programs.

  10. Either the recycle bin or a Goodwill store.

  11. Pl. find some rag collector who is part of  garbage disposal mechanism. Alternatively give it your college/school library.


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