
What can I do to relax during eye dilation at my eye exam?

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I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow to get an eye exam and hopefully get new glasses in the same day. Going to the eye doctor is one of my biggest fears. I hate eye drops and the whole dilation thing, I have difficulty keeping my eye open so the drop can plop down. It scares me even though I'm 15 years old.

So what can I do to prepare myself and relax during the eye dilation? Are there any alternatives I can do instead of having the drop fall directly on the pupil?

I'm really scared!!

Oh and what kind of glasses should I get? I'm not sure of what kind of frames I want.

No rude answers please!




  1. Hi just closed your eyes or keep them open if your Doctor say so say a mental prayer like this "When I'M Afraid  i will trust in the  lord." Just keep on repeating it  until every thing is done you will feel peace in the inside it worked for me. or another thing you can do is  remember some thing good that had  happen to you and just take your time and re-lived it all over againt, this is the last one just count the numbers  backwards as in  9,999 9998 9997 etc until you finished or get to the number 1   tell your mom and Doctor to help you pick some thing that will  match your face, remembered it depends on the shape of your face, Good luck God bless!!

  2. Well just remember that its just a drop and that if it misses your eye its no big deal at all its just like water pretty much.  Take a deep breath before and look at and focus on the ceiling.  Thats what I would do but I'm not scared of eye drops anymore because now I have contacts (for a year now) and you get used to sticking things in your eye lol.  I have to get that dilating thing done really soon too but its really not so bad.  My friend is terrified of it though and she told me that when he had to put her first contact in her eye she grabbed down onto the chair arms and was screaming her head off..but really its no big deal =]  I always think the rectangle frames are cute for glasses.

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