
What can I do to relieve pain in my calves and what could be causing it?

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What can I do to relieve pain in my calves and what could be causing it?




  1. You could have a condition called shin splints. There are lots of different causes, but one of them is the muscle tearing away from the bone slightly. It hurts pretty bad in the calves. I know because I have it. I would highly recommend seeing a massage therapist. It's helped me a lot. Good luck!

  2. lack of potassium bannanas is a good source that works almost instantly

  3. growing pains? muscle spasm? try potassium,. but check with your doctor first

  4. Does it feel like muscle pain?  

    I am 38 and couple weeks I get very sore achy calves.  I have them massaged if possible or otherwise ask my daughter to roll a rolling pin over them.  Lightly at first then harder over the sore spots.  It may feel a little painful but the next day the pain is gone and I am good to go for a week or so unless I over do it.

    For me the causes are - too much walking / walking in the wrong shoes / tension

    Try getting in the habit of stretching your calves out at least once a day to prevent the muscles from tightening.

  5. Depending on what s causing others have suggested eating more potassium...mollasses has lots take a few spoons of that , potatoes, bananas, andmany other things,if its muscle aches,there is some homeopathic stuff that works great the first one on the list on this page, there is alos a gel form or creme form of this to rub into achey areas..good luck and much well being.(arnica montana)

  6. do you were a lot of flipflops if so read this just massage them with some minty foot rub.

    good luck

  7. I personally find that ice helps so much with soreness in muscles.  

    The way to do this is to either put ice in a bag and then with a towel between your skin and the ice.  The other way is to use a bag of frozen peas (don't cook them after using for icing purposes) and do the same thing as above.

    I am not sure what is causing it.  However your shoes could be causing it.  Good luck.

  8. too much walking the day b4?espesialy up hill.also dehydration can cause this,after a night of alcohol?!

  9. Could be a few causes, over exertion the day before, badly-fitting shoes, lack of potassium or poor circulation. Try gentle massage & wear thermal therapy socks to help improve circulation for pain relief. C a physio if it doesn't get better soon.

  10. Have you been wearing flat shoes or bare feet instead of heels?

  11. Read and apply

    No clues.

  12. Lack of Potassium in your diet

  13. If you stand off balance or leaan up agaainst things on just your heel the pain could happen. Things like Icy hot or bengay could work, also epsom salt.

  14. How old are you? They could be growing pains.

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