
What can I do to request my Italian citizenship?

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My grandparents are from Italy, they past 23 years ago and I have cousins and uncles and aunts they have a italian passport already, they get into the process in Brazil 5 years ago. I never requested once i asked for informations they say that can take 5 years to approve my citizenship. I and my family are originally from Brazil, only myself is currently living in USA and I would like to take my Italian citizenship as member of family did already . Someone please can help me out? Should i move to Italy and have a residency there and automatically get my Italian Citizenship? Please someone with experiences help me....




  1. There are a number of ways you can apply for your Italian citizenship. Here is a link to the Italian Embassy in Ottawa Canada, which explains the methods. I expect that as a Brazilian with Italian heritage it would be the same. Good Luck

  2. Contrary to what others have answered, you can in fact acquire Italian citizenship through the paternal line with no limit on the number of generations.  Here is information that you might find extremely helpful:

    Even though you were born in Brazil rather than the US, this will also help:

  3. yu have to be born in italy to be a citizen so you would prboly move to italy

  4. Italian citizenship is based on the principle of ius sanguinis (blood right) by which a child born of an Italian father or mother is Italian; nevertheless, it must be kept in mind that the mother citizen has only transmitted citizenship to minor children since January 1st 1948 as a result of a ruling by the Constitutional Court. Italian citizenship is currently regulated by Law No. 91 of 5 December 1992, which, unlike the previous law, re-evaluates the importance of individual desire in the gain or loss of citizenship and acknowledges the right to hold citizenship in more than one country, except in the case of the various provisions of international agreements.



    1. by having an Italian parent(s);

    2. by being born in Italy:

    including cases in which the parents are unknown, stateless or do not transmit their own citizenship to their child according to the legislation of the State to which they belong, as well as children found abandoned in Italy and for whom it is impossible to determine status civitatis (citizenship);

    # 3. through paternal or maternal recognition while the child is a minor (in cases in

    which the child recognised is no longer a minor, he/she is obliged to elect to become a citizen within one year of recognition);

    here is the link for more informations :

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