
What can I do to reverse the decision to allow naval sonar testing that will endanger the whales?

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I was thinking of gathering a bunch of people in cars outside the facility and leaning on our horns all day.




  1. Amazing.. defeating sound-pollution by creating more sound pollution. I think you've got a winning idea.

  2. Come up with an alternative.  The Navy uses the radar because they don't have any better ideas.  If you can come up with a better idea, they'll stop using it.

  3. Hey, obeying laws and common decency are not important as long as your "cause" is worthwhile, huh?   I imagine the whales will do just fine without your infantile attempts to bring the U.S. Navy to it's knees.

  4. I see where the hours you spend on answers that you don't have much time for anything, let alone trying to unsettle the USN,doing their duty to protect your sorry butt from foreign intervention. That is what the sonar,radar trials are doing,as I don't think you are aware of.?What harm do you think that is doing too the whales?(as you think your car honking horns will do?? .. more harm to human ears).. Look around, Answers, for a more useful means for your energy..

  5. I would contact Greenpeace.  Several years ago they had a vessel that would cruise in front of Japanese whalers, which would cause them to change course to avoid collision.  That was pretty effective.  The difficulty with situations, like the sonor testing, is that large corporations (and the U.S. Navy is really a large corporation) just do things the way they want, without input from stockholders (U.S. citizens in the Navy's instance)!  At any rate, Greenpeace probably has things in the works to reduce the impact or they might have filed an injunction.  Unfortunately, news doesn't get reported that doesn't have an impact on large numbers of individuals!  See, another large corporation (NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC etc.).  Another great question though, Morgan.  Good luck, please let me know what Greenpeace suggests.

    Best regards,

    Jerry K.

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